Onboard SDK
OSDK commonly asked questions and documentation
Hardware connection
- OSDK reported an error: heart beat task send failed
- Does OSDK have any guidance on the development of third-party onboard computer platforms? Such as Raspberry Pi
- OSDK adapter board coaxial cable pin definition
- Installation dimensions of M300 OSDK adapter board
- What are the capacitive loads and characteristics of the 24v power supply interface of the M300 OSDK adapter board?
- After the M300 OSDK serial port is re-plugged, the OSDK reports an error "OSDK lost connection with drone", how to recover?
Compilation problem
- OSDK compilation error: Cannot find dji_xxxx
- Failed to compile OSDK program in Linux environment
- Onboard-SDK-4.1.0 compiling error
- There is no problem when using OSDK sample code to compile directly, but my project cannot be compiled. How to troubleshoot?
- The OSDK sample compile error reports that the lib and header files cannot be found?
- Does OSDK support hi3516 (32-bit ARM) series?
Flight Parameter Subscription
- Telemetry data broadcasting and subscription
- Subscribe Telemetry::FlightAnomaly in OSDK. How is strongWindLevel defined?
- What is the OSDK subscription gimbal angle coordinate
- OSDK subscription telemetry data failed: package [0] is being occupied
- OSDK obtains quaternion telemetry data and converts it into Euler angle coordinate system
Flight control
- OSDK 4.x enable/disable obstacle avoidance
- OSDK controls the drone without using the remote control
- OSDK sample can only control take-off and landing
- UAV obstacle avoidance strategy
- Is there a way to control the drone at the same time through the OSDK+ remote controller
- How does the OSDK control hover in an indoor environment without GPS?
Time synchronization
Gimbal and Camera
- CameraManager Laser RangingInfo of PSDK 3.x
- Camera models supported by OSDK 4.x
- Is it possible for OSDK to perform file operations and SD card formatting on the camera's SD card?
- OSDK stereo cam parameters
- OSDK3.9 gimbal/camera manager features
- Where to store the photos taken by OSDK API?
GPS mission
- waypoint v2 actions set FocalLength parameter
- drone head YAW from OSDK waypoint v2 to the first point after takeoff
- With OSDK hotpoint_mission, is it possible to get the positional relationship between the drone and the hot point?
- Occasionally uploading fails when there are many waypoint mission in waypoint v2
- How to set cruise speed in waypoint v2?
- How to set the parameters of waypoint mission(v1) and actions?
Multi-function IO
Advanced Sensing
- Is there no frame rate parameter in the SPS parameters of the Z30 video stream obtained by OSDK?
- How to push the GDR format obtained by OSDK to the server?
- Is it possible for OSDK to support non-DJI camera?
- Failed to decode and play the Z30 video stream obtained by OSDK
- Is it possible for Manifold 2 to get drone images?
- OSDK4.1 failed to run main_sync (main_async) sample code, how to troubleshoot?
- Why can I not select the baud rate on Assistant 2?
- PSDK 3.0 version OSDK (OSDK 5.0) introduction and guidance
- Does OSDK still support the QT platform?
- After connecting the OSDK double A USB cable, the image transmission on the remote control is disconnected.
- How to solve the problem that M210 cannot supply power to manifold 2G?
- Does mavic 2 or mavic 2 EA support OSDK?