sample中只给了RTOS平台的时间同步示例代码,在这里简单做个关于Linux平台监听PPS信号的例子,内容主要是通过设置和监听GPIO 12节点的方式来触发打印,此处我们是当检测到PPS上升沿信号时,打印当前时间(开发者可以自行参照对比修改,在移植的过程中需要替换为当条件符合触发时调用函数DjiTimeSync_TransferToAircraftTime来同步飞机时间)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#define GPIO_PIN "12" // GPIO12 引脚 / GPIO12 pin
// 函数:写入文件 / Function: Write to file
void write_to_file(const char *path, const char *value) {
int fd = open(path, O_WRONLY); // 打开文件以进行写入 / Open file for writing
if (fd == -1) {
perror("Failed to open file"); // 打开文件失败时打印错误 / Print error if failed to open file
exit(EXIT_FAILURE); // 退出程序 / Exit the program
write(fd, value, strlen(value)); // 写入值到文件 / Write value to file
close(fd); // 关闭文件描述符 / Close file descriptor
// 函数:读取文件 / Function: Read from file
int read_from_file(const char *path) {
char value[3]; // 存储读取的值 / Buffer to store the read value
int fd = open(path, O_RDONLY); // 打开文件以进行读取 / Open file for reading
if (fd == -1) {
perror("Failed to open file"); // 打开文件失败时打印错误 / Print error if failed to open file
exit(EXIT_FAILURE); // 退出程序 / Exit the program
read(fd, value, sizeof(value)); // 从文件读取值 / Read value from file
close(fd); // 关闭文件描述符 / Close file descriptor
return atoi(value); // 将读取的值转换为整数并返回 / Convert read value to integer and return
// 函数:获取当前时间 / Function: Print current time
void print_current_time() {
time_t now; // 当前时间变量 / Variable to store current time
time(&now); // 获取当前时间 / Get current time
struct tm *local = localtime(&now); // 转换为本地时间 / Convert to local time
printf("hello raspi - Current Time: %02d:%02d:%02d\n", // 打印当前时间 / Print current time
local->tm_hour, local->tm_min, local->tm_sec);
int main(void) {
// 导出 GPIO12 / Export GPIO12
write_to_file("/sys/class/gpio/export", GPIO_PIN);
usleep(100000); // 等待 GPIO 导出 / Wait for GPIO to be exported
// 设置 GPIO12 为输入 / Set GPIO12 as input
write_to_file("/sys/class/gpio/gpio12/direction", "in");
// 设置 GPIO12 为上拉输入 / Set GPIO12 as pull-up input
write_to_file("/sys/class/gpio/gpio12/edge", "rising");
printf("Listening for PPS signal on GPIO12...\n"); // 监听 GPIO12 上的 PPS 信号 / Listening for PPS signal on GPIO12...
// 循环监测 GPIO12 / Loop to monitor GPIO12
while (1) {
if (read_from_file("/sys/class/gpio/gpio12/value") == 1) { // 读取 GPIO12 的值 / Read value from GPIO12
print_current_time(); // 打印当前时间 / Print current time
usleep(1000000); // 避免多次重复触发,可以按需调整此延时 / Avoid multiple triggers, adjust this delay as needed
usleep(10000); // 等待 10 毫秒 / Wait for 10 milliseconds
// 清理 GPIO12 / Clean up GPIO12
write_to_file("/sys/class/gpio/unexport", GPIO_PIN);
return 0; // 退出程序 / Exit the program
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