If the aircraft detects that the ground environment is not suitable for landing, it will hover in the air, then the user needs to confirm before the aircraft can finish landing on the ground.
The above situation in pilot 2 will give two kinds of prompt depending on the status, one is "whether to confirm landing", and the other is "not suitable for landing below".
The latter requires the use of the forced landing interface to complete the landing.
The status of the aircraft landing protection(LandingProtectionState) can be obtained through FlightAssistantKey.KeyLandingProtectionState, which contains the following types.
1.none -- no landing protection is triggered
2.analyzing -- the ground environment is analyzed by the downward vision sensor
3.analysis_failed -- analysis of the downward vision sensor failed
4.safe_to_land -- the ground is safe for landing
5.not_safe_to_land -- the ground is not suitable for landing, i.e. user needs to confirm whether to perform a forced landing.
After confirming the ground status, use FlightControllerKey.KeyConfirmForceLanding to complete the forced landing.
The aircraft can get the status of confirming landing through FlightControllerKey.KeyIsLandingConfirmationNeeded.
After confirming the ground status, user can use FlightControllerKey.KeyConfirmLanding to complete the landing.
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