GPSDetail::fix 返回的参数可能如下
0x00:no fix
0x01:dead reckoning only
0x04:GPS+dead reckoning combined
0x05:Time only fix
0x05.time only fix指的是ublox gps芯片的一种特殊模式。
typedef struct GPSDetail
float32_t hdop; /*!< horizontal dilution of precision */
float32_t pdop; /*!< position dilution of precision */
float32_t fix; /*!< the state of GPS fix */
float32_t gnssStatus; /*!< vertical position accuracy (mm) */
float32_t hacc; /*!< horizontal position accuracy (mm) */
float32_t sacc; /*!< the speed accuracy (cm/s) */
uint32_t usedGPS; /*!< the number of GPS satellites used for pos fix */
uint32_t usedGLN; /*!< the number of GLONASS satellites used for pos fix */
uint16_t NSV; /*!< the total number of satellites used for pos fix */
uint16_t GPScounter; /*!< the accumulated times of sending GPS data */
} GPSDetail; // pack(1)
*hacc是cep 50%。单位是mm。sacc是cm/s。值越小越好。
DOP Value | Rating | Description |
<1 | Ideal | Highest possible confidece level to be used for applications demanding the highest possible precision at all times. |
1~2 | Excellent | At this confidence level,positional measurements are considered accurate enough to meet all but the most sensitive applications |
2~5 | Good | Represents a level that marks the minimum appropriate for making business decisions.Positional measurements could be used to make reliable in-route nabigation suggestions to the user |
5~10 | Moderate | Positional measurements could be used for calculations, but the measurements are not recommended to use. The fix quality could still be improved with a more open view of the sky |
10~20 | Fair | Represents a low confidence level. Positional measurements should be discarded or used only indicate a very rough estimate of the current location |
>20 | Poor | At this level,measurements are inaccurate by as much as 300 meters with 6-meter accurate devide(50 DOP*6 merers ) and should be discarded |
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