psdk 怎么解析KMZ 航线文件转化为waypoint 2.0的代码?
Completedpsdk的waypoint 2.0只支持 Matrice 300 RTK 和 Matrice 350 RTK,在上云API的航线任务中,云端下发的都是KMZ文件,那么如何将KMZ 航线文件转化为PSDK的waypoint 2.0的代码?
I'm working on the same. I'm taking the KMZ file and transferring the mission configuration, waypoints, and actions required for the payload into Waypoint V2 format. This allows the mission to be performed using the KMZ file on the M300 RTK and M350 RTK, which only support Waypoint V2. The only issue is that, after completing the mission, the Waypoint V2 isn’t performing the finish action. I’ve tried the sample code as well, and it also didn’t execute the finish action.
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