Zoom lens:
- Call camera.setCameraVideoStreamSource to change the camera video stream source to ZOOM lens.
- Call lens(0).setHybridZoomFocalLength to hybrid zoom.
- Zoom formula is Target focal length = Current focal length + (FocalLengthStep * X).
- Magnification formula is Magnification = (Current Focal length * 4.0) / (3.0 * Zoom Len 's Minimum Focal length).
Thermal lens:
- Call camera.setCameraVideoStreamSource to change the camera video stream source to INFRARED_THERMALlens.
- Call lens(2).setThermalDigitalZoomFactor to digital zoom.
- Call getHybridZoomSpec to gain the HybridZoomSpec object;
- Get the FocalLengthStep by HybridZoomSpec.getFocalLengthStep.
Zoom Len 's Minimum Focal length:
- Call getHybridZoomSpec to gain the HybridZoomSpec object;
- Get the Minimum Focal lengthby HybridZoomSpec.getMinHybridFocalLength.
on step 3. Zoom formula is Target focal length = Current focal length + (FocalLengthStep * X).
how to get "Current focal length"?
There is a function called getHybridZoomFocalLength.
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