Cannot get MOP data



6 条评论

  • DJI Developer Support
    The OSDK ROS does not contain a MOP sample for the time being. it can be implemented it by calling Linux API. If there is an error, please provide the specific error return value of send/recv.
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  • DJI Developer Support
    SDK sample return value after 5s is MOP_TIMEOUT, not MOP_PASSED. if the MSDK send data via this channel, it will return MOP_PASSED immediately.
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  • DJI Developer Support
    Is there any error returned with recvDara or sendData(MSDK) ? It’s just that no data is received, so it’s hard to tell where the problem lies.
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  • hieudv

    Thank you for your interest in my post!
    I got this data when start send msg from MSDK.
    I run successfully with onboard-sdk sample, but cannot when run with ros.

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  • hieudv
    mopRet = OM_Pipeline->recvData(readPack, &readPack.length);

    I call Linux API with the code. But I always get result:

    [File-Service] recv data from cilent, len: 0

    With SDK sample, I saw recvData will listen and return result MOP_PASSED after 5s

    But with ROS, recvData always return result MOP_PASSED immediately.

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  • hieudv

    I find the issue, my stupid code

    const uint8_t RELIABLE_RECV_ONCE_BUFFER_SIZE = 100 * 1024;

    I could send/recv msg from MSDK with ROS. Thank you so much for support!

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