Temporarily Disable Shutter button during automated flight
已完成William Wong DJI Developer Support
Is it possible to temporarily disable the shutter button on the remote controller (RC-N1) via MSDK 4.16.4?
During automated flight pilots sometimes accidentally press the shoot photo button on the remote controller creating a bad data set. I was wondering if it is possible to disable the button temporarily during a virtual stick flight and then re-enable it once the flight has completed?
You can try using this interface to disable the camera shutter button: setShootPhotoAndRecordButtonBindingEnabled" related article:Why the capture and record button does not work on a normal remote controller?(https://sdk-forum.dji.net/hc/en-us/articles/4402662425881-Why-the-capture-and-record-button-does-not-work-on-a-normal-remote-controller-?source=search&auth_token=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhY2NvdW50X2lkIjo5Nzg4MTcsInVzZXJfaWQiOjI4MzA3Mjk0Nzg3LCJ0aWNrZXRfaWQiOjkxODM2LCJjaGFubmVsX2lkIjo2MywidHlwZSI6IlNFQVJDSCIsImV4cCI6MTY5ODQwNzMzOX0.cBggwRbEzJmQ8EPCJ2obNm0walXMUouCQDO9NvC0s4E) -
Thanks for the reply. I tried what you suggested but the Shutter button is still functional after successfully setting setShutterButtonBindingEnabled to false.
I also tried to setRecordButtonBindingEnabled to false but the button was still functional.
I also tried setting both values to true and the button still worked.
The drone I am using with the RC-N1 is a Mini 2.
Is there any other way to disable the shutter button?
I think you can give this interface another try. The standard remote controller for the AIR 2S is the same as the one for the mini 2. Hello DJI,
I have communicated with my colleagues who work with the mini series, and it is highly likely that the photo and video recording button on the RC N1 cannot be disabled.
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