WaypointV2 mission finishes immediately when started while motors are on
CompletedWith the M300 RTK, when starting a mission with the motors already on, the start command appears to succeed, but the status then transitions to finish without any indication of an error. I hope this is clear from the following events which we log →
WaypointV2ActionUploadEvent {"currentState":"Uploading","error":null,"previousState":"ReadyToUpload"}
WaypointV2ActionUploadEvent {"currentState":"Uploading","error":null,"previousState":"Uploading"}
WaypointV2ActionUploadEvent {"currentState":"ReadyToExecute","error":null,"previousState":"Uploading"}
WaypointV2MissionOperator - startMission completes
WaypointV2MissionExecutionEvent {"currentState":"Executing","error":null,"previousState":"ReadyToExecute","progress":{"execState":"GoingToFirstWaypoint","isWaypointReached":false,"targetWaypointIndex":0}
WaypointV2MissionUploadEvent {"currentState":"ReadyToUpload","error":null,"previousState":"Executing"}
WaypointV2MissionExecutionEvent {"currentState":"ReadyToUpload","error":null,"previousState":"Executing","progress":{"execState":"Finished","isWaypointReached":false,"targetWaypointIndex":0}
I saw elsewhere - https://sdk-forum.dji.net/hc/zh-cn/community/posts/4408401449369-%E5%9C%A8startTakeoff%E6%8C%87%E4%BB%A4%E7%9A%84%E8%A7%A3%E9%87%8A%E4%B8%AD%E6%9C%89%E4%B8%80%E5%8F%A5%E6%98%AFIf-the-motors-are-already-on-this- - is the same true for waypoint v2 missions; i.e., is it not possible start a mission with the motors on? Is there a callback or diagnostic which indicates this failure?
What would the correct way of starting a Waypoint V2 be if the motors are already on?
The forum says that you cannot call startTakeOff function while the motor is running. You can run waypointV2Mission in the air. I think this is a bug for firmware, the firmware does not threw an error out why the waypointV2Mission is finished. Are you sure the getGPSSignal attribute is always well during your waypointV2Mission? Is there any obstacles around the aircraft?
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