Unable to Perform Sample V2 Waypoint 2.0 - Run Airline Mission on M300 RTK




  • DJI Developer Support
    Dear Developer, Could you please verify the following: 1. Whether the simulator has been activated to initiate the simulation. 2. Whether the latitude and longitude coordinates on the simulator match the values specified in the sample. 3. Whether the remote controller is turned on and connected to the aircraft. If you wish to operate without the remote controller, you need to obtain control authority before executing the waypoint mission: DjiFlightController_ObtainJoystickCtrlAuthority
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  • Umesh

    Thank you for answering my query. How can I obtain control authority from the PSDK sample code, or do I need to make changes to the code?

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  • DJI Developer Support
    Hello, you can call DjiFlightController_Init and DjiFlightController_ObtainJoystickCtrlAuthority before the DjiTest_WaypointV2Init function. Since obtaining control authority is a function in the flight control function, you also need to initialize the relevant function modules before using them. You can refer to the Payload-SDK-release-v3.9.1\samples\sample_c\module_sample\flight_control\test_flight_control.c file.
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  • Umesh

    I'm encountering the following error:

    [12.462][waypoint]-[Error]-[DjiWaypointV2_Start:377) Use rtk_data but rtk is not connected or rtk_data is invalid 
    [12.462][user]-[Error]-[DjiTest_WaypointV2RunSample:144) Start waypoint V2 mission failed, error code: 0x00020005

    What should I do if I want to perform the mission without using RTK?

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  • DJI Developer Support
    Dear Umesh, Greetings, You may disable the option to use RTK in the Pilot application.
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  • Umesh

    Thank you DJI Developer Support team, it's working after disabling the rtk from pilot application.


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  • DJI Developer Support
    You're welcome, if you have any further questions, you're welcome to contact us again.
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