Gimbal Control Frame
CompletedWe have noticed a discrepancy in the gimbal yaw angle reported by the THREE_GIMBAL_DATA topic and the value commanded through DjiGimbalManager_Rotate. There appears to be a 2 degree offset in the resulting yaw angle compared angle commanded. Is this expected behaviour? Is there a difference between the frames of these rotations?
We also noted that the reported gimbal yaw angle following a reset now appears to align with the aircraft IMU yaw angle (from the QUATERNION topic). It is our understanding that the gimbal IMU frame and the aircraft IMU frame were separate previously. Is the aligning of these two frames the gimbal coordinate frame fix introduced in PSDKv3.2?
Dear Developer, Hello, thank you for contacting DJI. We have paid attention to your feedback. Due to the different coordinate systems, the information you get is biased. This will be fixed in the subsequent version of PSDK. Thank you for your support of DJI products. Best Regards, DJI Dajiang innovation SDK technical support
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