What is the plan for the consumer level aircraft?




  • Andreas Olsson

    I sold my trusty Mavic 2 pro and purchased the Mini 3 pro because of the new EU drone rules and the promise of an SDK.

    Sadly you have made things hard and I'm considering changing brand. The new SDK isnt made for normal phones with new android.

    The Mini 3 pro would be a realy good mapping drone in urban areas and theres no other option.

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  • Should we create some kind of petition? Unlocking the RC is a must! Locking it in a "kiosk" state breaks several laws at least in EU. We have to keep this case going!

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  • Mats Hägglund

    Due to my understanding of the technical specs on DJI RC, it's not supporting any other apps than the embedded downscaled version of DJI fly. Too little memory, too little CPU/GPU capacity in hardware. However there's no legislation available for marketing this sort of functionality. You're referring to a non existing "law" legislation unfortunately. Get over it. Better purchase the RC-N1 controller or RC Pro.

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  • You maybe be right, I have little to no knowledge about it. I link below the dji forum post on which I based my assumptions. I just hope there something we can do to let independent developers figure it out legally not by hacking.


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  • Mats Hägglund

    You can't circumvent the hardware though. It's limited in every aspect. Given the price itself for DJI RC you can imagine what they're putting in from a capacity view. However DJI RC Pro is a fully fledged Android implementation. But still with only 5,5" screen at 1000 nits which is about half of any modern mobile device.

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  • Why you think that only DJI can operate within those limits? It's not like they use some kind of magic known only to them. Whats about mission waypoints applicable only for hyperlapse, not for video or photos?

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  • vachiaga

    I have uograde from mini SE to mini SE 2. 

    Please add support to mini SE 2 


    Thanks in advance

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  • jhoan manuel


    hello greetings, 3 days ago I just bought the dji mini 2 se,
    and I would like you to give it support for the release of SDK Thanks: D Or if you don't want to add the same principles of being able to map with dji fly without using a third-party app...
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  • Stephen Dunk

    Please release SDK for Mini 2 SE.


    I know it's not profitable compared to other drone platforms, but the Mini 2 SE is a market leader for DJI and by releasing the SDK DJI will keep it's place as market leader, increase sales and motivate customers to move to DJI. Once the customer is in, it's much easier to keep them!

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  • Baki Caglar

    Why is there no active track or orbit around object feature in Mini 2 SE?! The Mini 2 SE can do this perfectly, because the Quick-Shot mode allows you to focus on an object and orbit around it once (Circle Mode).

    However, the Circle Mode is very short and I cannot use it for the video I have in mind.

    I would gladly pay for a third-party app like Litchi for this feature. However, DJI does not have an SDK for the Mini 2 SE, which makes it impossible for Litchi to integrate simple features like active track or orbit!

    Is there still no plan for SDK development for the Mini 2 SE? If not, I will sell this product and never buy from DJI again and will not recommend DJI products anymore!

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  • vachiaga

    Is it really very complicated to include the mini 2 SE in the msdk4 ?

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  • Tony Simek

    Just checking in as usual, only to continue to be disappointed.  William Wong, is DJI still not seeing the need for the SDK for Mavic 3?  Truly discouraged with the brand at this point.

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  • vachiaga

    Have you planned not to give more support?

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  • Stephen Monro

    Hi William,
    It's been a year now since I asked this question. So, I respectfully ask again, when is the SDK going to be released, as per the initial public road map?
    I paid nearly $5k for the drone on the promise the SDK was going to be coming. Since then, we've seen a mess of multiple Mavic3 drones released, and SDK for a toy drone call the Mini 3 "Pro" for a fraction of the cost, and yet those of us that invested in the Mavic 3 initially have been completely ignored.
    Do I have to start sending emails to Frank Wang for this to happen, and honour the promise of this SDK?
    We feel ripped off and lied to, and under the Australian Consumer Law, it's bordering of the violation that the drone isn't functioning under the conditions of what it was sold to do.
    It's a great drone, but really, DJI can do a lot better regarding this matter.
    Steve Monro.

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  • Hello Steve Monro.  If you don't mind my asking, could you please explain why the SDK is of such importance for you as a Mavic 3 owner, given that the DJI waypoint flight planning facility already available for your drone is capable of ensuring that a Mavic 3 completes all waypoint missions even if signal connectivity is interrupted or completely lost between the drone and its RC controller?    

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  • Mats Hägglund

    Dear Senhor Mungo I'm delighted to educate you about the opportunity to import waypoint missions from Litchi mission planner on the web towards virtually every DJI aircraft natively supporting wp missions as mentioned above. The tool is here: 



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  • Danny Burk

    I too feel very much cheated by DJI because of what hasn't happened with support for the SDK for the Mavic 3. When the product came out, DJI personnel in public forums PUBLICLY stated that the SDK for the Mavic 3 WOULD be released within one year of the product release. That kept getting put off and then DJI suddenly decided that an SDK would never be issued for the Mavic 3.Instead the SDK would be available for the more expensive M3E.

    Muttley asked above why the waypoint flight planning isn't equivalent. What Muttley is missing is that it leaves the drone ONLY able to fly waypoint missions after a complicated creation process. I'm not sure if this is still true, but the drone used to have to be flying to create the waypoint missions and it remains very difficult to modify the missions once created. In the meantime, there's a great deal of functionality that programs such as Litchi and DroneDeploy provide that goes well beyond waypoint missions. So no, waypoint missions is not a satisfactory replacement for the unconditional promise given by DJI employees that an SDK would be released.

    To compound the issue, the Mavic 3E does not replace the functionality of the Mavic 3 so even with that SDK availability, you don't have all video and still features available with the the 3E that you can get with the 3. 

    What ends up happening is neither aircraft is a full solution. Because of DJI's bait-and-switch, I now own both aircraft and often find myself in the middle of a flight with one wishing I had the functionality of the other in the air at the time.

    I for one would participate in a class action lawsuit against DJI for such a clear violation of its promises to its purchasers. DJI's market power puts it in the position of being able to promise, not deliver, and largely go unquestioned. It's time for DJI to own up to its commitments. If there were any other equivalent drone models (especially without DJI's onerous zone locking procedures), I would gladly switch brands and ignore all of my investments in DJI.

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  • Mats Hägglund

    Thnx for sharing your opinion Mr Burk. However as an innocent bystander u're claiming publicly commitments from DJI rep's. It would surely be beneficial if u're able to show proof of evidence.
    Otherwise I'm reluctant to your claim, sounds a little bit anecdotal and or wishthinking of your own making. Ok?
    (Peace Love and Understanding)

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  • Danny Burk

    The attached took less than 1 minute to pull up. Peace Love and Understanding to you too!

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  • Mats Hägglund

    From this thread.🤔

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  • Danny Burk

    Seems as if I'm not the only one who had a clear understanding of what DJI was going to do. DJI promised one thing and then went back on the promise.I bought the Mavic 3 "upgrading" from the Phantom 4 Pro V2.0 based on that promise.

    I stand by what I said: I'll be first in line if a class action lawsuit comes along. In addition to the public proof like I found, DJI will have to turn over prior versions of its public statements and the bait-and-switch will be obvious.

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  • jens.fiala

    Yes it was very frustrating. I got the mini 3 pro due to the announced coming sdk support. Then forever nothing and then some whatever SDK which encontrary to previous ones doesn’t support iOS, therefore useless.
    I purchased the mini 3 pro as entry model and wanted to get something bigger later. But DJI is out for me - I expect reliability from a company in this field.

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  • Mini 2 SE we really need that sdk, thought I could try experimenting coding on this cheaper drone :(

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  • Suri Freeman

    Concerned about the shift to enterprise drones and lack of SDK support for consumer models like the Mini 2 SE. Restricts growth for small businesses relying on DJI's more accessible drones.

    Suri Freeman

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  • JSphoto

    The Mavic 3 / Mavic 3 Pro are super powerful drones. It's a real shame they aren't supported in MSDK V5. Take a Mini 3 Pro or buy an Enterprise drone ... nice move DJI.

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  • John Clark

    This pill would be easier to swallow if the M3E wasn't so stripped down of features like it is. It is totally worthless for video, can't subject track anything and still doesn't even have white balance control! Why would DJI invest in all the R&D for great features then leave them out of the flagship Mavic 3?

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  • Danny Burk

    John Clark, I completely agree. DJI's bait and switch worked with me. I generally have to take both my M3E and my M3 to most jobs so I have the better camera on the M3 available for taking photos/videos and the mechanical shutter and SDK on the M3E for mapping flights. I still can't get over the lie about the SDK for the M3 followed by the downgrade of the camera functionality of the M3E. I continue to wait for a lawyer to come along looking for a lead plaintiff for a class action lawsuit. I suspect DJI will suddenly find it easier to include the M3 in the most recent SDK than to continue to withhold the functionality and fight the lawsuits. Needless to say, my acclaim for DJI functionality (Chinese-made issues aside) has waned. When I teach classes to new pilots, I'm quite vocal about why reliance on DJI's word is not an effective strategy.

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  • Christopher Nash

    Any news on this class action lawsuit someone suggested?

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  • Ray Taylor

    We cant do the class action in NZ - consumer laws here just meant i had justification to take it back to the local appliance store retailer and they had to refund my money. 

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  • Christopher Nash

    I'm still stuck with this useless aircraft I bought from dji with the promise of SDK back when there was no plans for enterprise models. I didn't have £2k+ to waste my money was stolen by DJI. I feel sick to my stomach

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