What is the plan for the consumer level aircraft?


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  • CostisB

    So, I just found that I'm not the only one who was tricked by DJI regarding the new super duper MAVIC 3 Classic drone, as a straight forward updatre of my previous Mavic 2 Pro. That's a big shame for DJI. They have created a very capable aircraft that can be flown only as a recreational toy with a good camera. The integrated waypoint fucntionality is just a joke!

    Shame, shame, shame!!!

    I hope that the responsible people in this company will understand that this may be one of their biggest mistakes...

    William Wong : What really happened with DJI? Do you respect this huge customer group? Propably not... 

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  • Beda Berner

    I have the following problem:

    • I need to buy a drone for photogrammetry (for my job).
    • Many of the objects I need to map are in an urban area.
    • I live in Europe.

    I would love to get the mavic 3 enterprise (I would even buy the RTK addon).
    However there are the following issues:

    • The M3E has no C label at all (why?)
    • The M3E will never get C1 as it is 20g too heavy.Really? could you not have shortend flighttime by a minute to get sub 900g?)
    • Flying under A2 rules will make 90% of the sites I want to map impossible as you are not allowed to fly above uninvolved persons at all.

    Therefore it looks like the best option is going to be the mini3 pro once it gets SDK support which is a bit ridiculous.

    If the mavic 3 classic had SDK support DJI would at least have a quite capable drone with C1 available that customers in Europe could consider.

    Alternatively just make a C1 version of the M3E but I assume that will take quite some time.

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  • Casey Gibson

    William Wong Is there are roadmap where the Mini 3 / Pro will be supported on iOS?

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  • Danny Burk

    Until this episode with the Mavic 3 that I purchased in 2021, I have been a big fan of DJI. I've owned several Phantom 4 Pro V2.0s, a Mini 2, an Inspire 2, a Matrice 220. And I've taught classes to new drone pilots in which DJI's product lines have been the sole focus. Until recently, I've encouraged my students to purchase the Mavic 3 with the expectation that the SDK release was imminent. Now I'm encouraging students to look at Autel and Skydio as more reliable manufacturing partners for their drone businesses.

    When I purchased the Mavic, there were very clear unequivocal statements from DJI that we would have to wait about a year for the SDK to be released for the Mavic 3. I purchased the Mavic 3 based entirely on that warranty from DJI.

    I know of no other manufacturer that promises certain functionality and then completely turns 180 degrees and says, "No sorry that's not happening after all. Please spend more than twice as much as you did and only a year later to get the functionality we promised you. We changed our minds."

    An internal corporate "change of plans" does not eliminate the express warranty. The Mavic 3 now knows how to do waypoint programming so programming by DroneDeploy, Litchi, Pix4d, etc. should be equally possible.


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  • Adrian Stensrud

    What does this mean for us that bought the more expensive version of the drone, with the RC controller rather than the RC-N1, seeing as there is no possibility to install any apps on the RC controller? Will the release of the SDK be completely meaningless, or do you also plan on releasing the block on third party apps for the RC controller?

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  • Data Flow Administrator

    Hello, Mr. Wong thanks so much for this update about the upcoming SDK for the Mini 3. The first question that comes to mind is whether the new Mini 3 SDK will make possible the uploading to the drone's onboard memory of ALL waypoint GPS coordinates comprising flight plans that are created by Litchi, prior to the departure of the drone on autonomous flights.

    Noting that the six-fold more pricey Mavic 3's DJI Fly operating system now features waypoint missions that reportedly allow the drone to continue along the entire waypoint sequence even when the RC signal is lost completely en route, I would like to ask whether the SDK release for the Mini 3 will enable Litchi to add the DJI Fly based Mini 3/ Mini 3 Pro to their list of older DJI-Go and Go-4 drones with the capability of completing Litchi waypoint missions beyond the reach of the RC controller, whereby RTH is NOT triggered in the event of RC signal loss.

    While it is certainly encouraging to learn that the far costlier Mavic 3 can now fly waypoint missions beyond RC signal reach using DJI Fly to the exclusion of other third-party outfits like the intuitive Litchi or the cumbersome Dronelink, those of us loyal DJI customers who are also partial to Litchi would be elated to hear from an official source as Mr. Wong that finally at long last. the Mini 3 will be 100% Litchi compatible.  Standing by for your reply when you have a spare moment Mr. Wong.

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  • Mats Hägglund

    An educated guess on the topic uploading WP missions in aircraft, would require support onboard processor and internal memory. Mini 2 series doesn't, and it's questionable that Mini 3 series has enough memory not allocated to regular control.

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  • I'll have gambled and lost if your prediction comes to pass Mats Hagglund, because I already ordered a Mini 3 with a pair of the Plus batteries after learning about that 45-minute flight battery duration now possible with those optional Plus batteries.

    If the Mini 3's onboard memory and SDK are compatible with the upload of all waypoint GPS data prior to departure on autonomous missions, the Mini 3 will become my primary drone, to the extent that I may sell off my collection of older drones so they don't fall into disuse. 

    If, on the other hand, Litchi is unable to bless the Mini 3 with waypoint following abilities beyond RC signal range, I will wind up selling off the Mini 3 once I have waited long enough to be certain Litchi won't be allowed to work their magic on the Mini 3 for the foreseeable future.

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  • William Wong

    Mini 3 and Mini 3 Pro does not support DJI native waypointMission. But 3rd party apps such as Litchi and droneLink have developed their own waypointMission using joystick mode, so their waypointMIssion are supported because the joystick mode is supported.

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  • Data Flow Administrator

    Thanks so much, Mr.Wong, for this reply.  If your reference to "joystick mode" means "virtual sticks", then my eagerness to purchase a Mini 3 was a significant mistake that cost me dearly in wasted money 

    Can you please clarify what will occur when the RC signal between the drone and controller is lost during a Litchi waypoint mission if the drone relies on "joystick mode"?  In the event of such signal loss, would the drone complete all waypoints comprising the flight plan while reliant on saved GPS coordinates in the drone's onboard memory, or would it revert to RTH the instant RC signal is lost?

    If your response confirms that a DJI drone flying waypoint missions under "joystick mode" will revert to RTH without completing the mission the instant RC signal connectivity is broken, I will have no use whatsoever for this Mini 3 that I have just purchased and will have no option but to sell it immediately without flying it even once. 



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  • Mats Hägglund

    Yes the native RTH mechanism can't be overrided by any third party app. If connection lost between aircraft and remote controller the selected RTH scenario would be performed. Either return to home position, hover or land where it is.
    You might find it beneficial then to immediately prepare an ad for selling your gear as pre-owned.
    At the end of the day it's very unwise to purchase anything based on speculation. Best wishes, hopes and prayers.

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  • William Wong

    The is an option for DJI native waypointMission is to goHome or continue mission. If an RC signal is loss during the Joystick mode, the aircraft will quit Joystick mode and gohome. 

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  • CostisB

    It is nice to see that William Wong respond to messages. I thought he was not in life any more.

    Therefore, dear Mr Wong, any news about the stupid people who invested money in the scam of Mavic 3 SDK thing?

    Thanka and regards

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  • Data Flow Administrator

    Like a drunken gambler at the blackjack table in 'Vegas, I splurged on a Mini 3 with two of those pricey "Plus" batteries for good measure, all on the basis of my own euphoric optimism that DJI's release of the Mini 3 SDK implied that beyond RC signal range Litchi waypoint flights lasting up to 45 minutes were about to become possible for me as a first time ever treat.

    In retrospect, I should have been content with the 6-mile round trip Litchi waypoint missions covered far beyond RC signal range by my older DJI drones, the Phantom 3S, Mavic 1 Pro, and Mavic 2 Pro, but those missions only whet my appetite for a drone with the generous 45-minute battery life that also had the capability to fly fully autonomous Litchi waypoint missions covering even greater distances afield out here in the countryside.

    Like that drunk Vegas gambler, I woke up hungover the next morning to find my wallet had vanished with the carnal knowledge consultant I vaguely recalled hiring the previous evening.  Dang, if only I could turn back the hands of time.   

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  • Data Flow Administrator

    Hello again, Mr. Wong, and thanks again for this straightforward and honest response to my inquiry.  Since I am desperate for some good news that will persuade me NOT to sell off my newly ordered Mini 3 when it arrives, I would like to seek further clarification on your comment I have copied below in boldface.

    "There is an option for DJI native waypoint mission to go home or continue the mission. If an RC signal is lost during the Joystick mode, the aircraft will quit Joystick mode and go home."

    Would I be correct to assume now that DJI's native waypoint facility will be available for the Mini 3 after its SDK is released?     By this, I am trying to understand whether my new Mini 3 WILL be able to complete waypoint missions beyond the signal of the RC controller provided that I use DJI's native waypoint capability instead of my beloved Litchi. 

    While I do count myself among Litchi's most ardent cult followers, I would not hesitate to embrace DJI Fly's native waypoint platform, IF it can be used to launch my drone beyond RC signal range. I really don't want to sell off this new Mini 3 I've just ordered unless there turns out to be no way beyond RC signal waypoint missions can be flown with either Litchi or DJI FLy 

    If your reply is that indeed it will be possible for a Mini 3 to exceed the range of the RC controller while flying a DJI Fly native waypoint mission, as is evidently the case now with the Mavic 3, all doubt will have been laid to rest that Litchi has been politely shown the door by DJI, which truly breaks my heart, should that indeed be the case.

    Any clarifications about this question that you can offer would be appreciated, sir.  Standing by for your reply.

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  • Brad Morris

    I don’t think this question has been asked. Will 3rd party apps be able to be loaded on the RC controller? Currently they cannot, but if the SDL is being made available for the Mini 3 Pro, and the RC is made for the Mini 3 Pro, one would logically conclude that 3rd party apps will be able to be loaded to the controller.

    Mr Wong, is this true?

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  • Mats Hägglund

    Due to my understanding, MSDK is a software layer enabling software access to aircraft functions. The DJI RC is a low-end, low-cost Android piece of hardware with a limited amount of Internal memory and a processor with weak characteristics. Given the hardware related circumstances DJI removed in the embedded version of DJI Fly app the RTMP live streaming and local editing of footage. Everything down to lack of memory and CPU capacity.

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  • ZippyTiff

    The whole situation (with the Mini 3) seems messed up, not thought through, confusing and u-turns left right and centre

    For me, so long as the mini 3 pro works as well as the Mavic 2 with litchi, all good

    BUT..... it wont.... as the range/signal issues with the Mini 3 Pro, means we really do need the full waypoint feature set, as joytick method just wont cut it


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  • Hello again, Mr. William Wong. I decided to shorten my question by posting a youtube video link describing how the Mavic 3 under the control of DJI Fly's waypoint mission feature, is now able to complete waypoint missions beyond RC signal range. 


    My question is whether the Mini 3's SDK will allow this same continuity of waypoint missions if DJI Fly is used, even if that feature is no longer possible with Litchi.   Any assurance you can offer would be greatly appreciated sir.



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  • Tony Simek

    It is such an interesting discussion here.  The lack of a direct response to direct questions tells me a lot.

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  • Phil Light

    Tony Simek

    Yes, isn't it?


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  • It is exasperating to get zero responses to very important follow-up questions asked here.  I am beginning to think that perhaps Mr. William Wong is not affiliated with DJI and is merely speculating like the rest of us  

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  • Marco

    Hello everyone, while we patiently wait (and, above all, hope) for DJI to release a well needed SDK for the Mavic 3 Series, I came up with a Python script and a workflow that allows us to run "native" mapping/photogrammetry missions, here's a video where I explain everything if you're interested: https://youtu.be/4k9uwlP-x5Q 

    This is by no mean a replacement for an SDK, which we really deserve given that the Mavic 3 is the flagship drone of the Mavic series, but at least we can get mapping missions done. I hope it'll help you out.

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  • Ryan Sajdak

    Marco, excellent work. Please keep us posted if you make any changes/improvements!

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  • Marco

    Thank you Ryan. I'm taking the opportunity to update you all on the code. Mainly:

    - The altitude mismatch has been fixed fully.

    - I've added waypoint filtering based on distance.

    There are a few other quality of life improvements. Next thing I'll do is probably illustrate the instructions on the GitHub page with images.

    One thing that I want to ask anyone who actually used/is using the code: let me know if it works (especially if it doesn't), unfortunately 99% of the changes I make are displayed correctly in the DJI Fly app and the problems only arise when uploading the mission to the drone or while the drone is already flying the mission. So testing and debugging takes a lot of time as I'm also busy with other things.You can comment on the video or open an issue on github.

    So your help and feedback is highly appreciated. Although I hope we won't be needing this workaround for much longer, but while we're at it, we might as well just make it work as best as we can

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  • Ryan Sajdak

    Marco, if you're on FB, add me: https://www.facebook.com/ryan.bflo

    Or let me know if you're on any other social media because this forum isn't the best for conversations...

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  • Chris H.

    Curious about those asking for the ability to have the drone complete its mission even if it disconnects from the RC. Is it not true in the US under Part 107 rules that the remote pilot in command must have full line of sight and the ability to take over control of the drone in case of emergencies? How is that possible if the uas is flying a programmed mission with no way to override it? Is this just a question for recreational pilots or those outside the US?

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  • You are indeed correct in stating that beyond RC signal flights are verboten under FAA and CAA laws, however, in parts of the world where the laws are less stringent, Litchi is a phenomenal tool that allows drones to fly a good 80% of their waypoint missions far beyond the signal reach of the controller. 

    I routinely fly My Mavic 1 Pro and Mavic 2 Pro on Litchi waypoint missions that cover round-trip distances of 7 miles, during which time I typically power off my RC controller and relax indoors until my timer alerts me to the imminent approach of the drone from its latest fully autonomous foray.

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  • Chris H.

    Very interesting, thank you for the response! I had no idea the Mavic 2 could even get that far and back on a single battery.

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  • Ryan Sajdak

    Chris, the complete mission upon disconnect I view as a sort of safe guard for canceling the mission for a momentary disconnect. You'll lose VLOS long before you'll lost signal, but if the signal cuts out for even a moment the mission is lost without onboard waypoints.

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