What is the plan for the consumer level aircraft?


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  • ZippyTiff

    Brad Morris

    I agree, and even with the Smart Controller its sub optimal

    Also DJI even missed a trick, in that the RC Pro for the Mavic 3 Enterprise is different to the normal RC Pro, all but in name only, but non-the-less DJI decided we need both ;-(


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  • Oscar001

    A petition has started for dji to listen to its customers, you can sign this petition if you want dji to release an SDK for the Mini 3 Pro.


    Please DJI, introduce the SDK for the Mini 3 Pro

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  • Thomas Seibert

    Mini 3 Pro is the only drone dpi makes that is suitable for high mobility mapping in remote tropical forests.  Call it a consumer drone if you want, but the application determines whether it is actually for professional use.  Please also recognize that mapping with the quality of the mini 3 Pro is very good, but not possible without true mapping support made possible with the SDK.  

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  • David Taylor

    Adding a voice to the displeasure with DJI's failure to follow through on the release of the Mavic 3 SDK. Luckily I paused on upgrade from MP2 to MP3 because I use waypoints and orbit  in Litchi more than any other control methods. @William Wong, the fact that DJI initially indicated  an SDK would be available only to contradict that assertion, and fail to deliver, after selling the product widely is inexcusable. That calls DJI's ethics into question. Aside from flight time and larger sensor, there is no reason for me to upgrade my MP2. DJI is a dead end for compact drones for mapping, survey work and accurate, automated flight planning. Your company has effectively killed its niche.

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  • Patrick McKay

    I work for one of the largest humanitarian organisations around. We're only allowed to operate sub 250g drones directly over people. Our go to post disaster mapping and wide areas search and rescue drone solution has been a fleet of Mini 2s of which we have already purchased 80+.

    To be able to use the Mini 3 range would greatly increase what we could do in an emergency. To be blunt, we would save more lives with a Mini 3 SDK. In future if the Mini 2 was no longer available we would not be able to do post disaster mapping or SAR nearly as efficiently, and this could cost lives.

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  • Brad Morris

    @Patrick McKay I 100% believe that DJI and the CCP don’t care a hoot about saving lives, especially American lives.

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  • Fabian Hackenberg

    Same here and I think as many others I have been just reading these forum posts in the past but did not respond to it till now. But I guess DJI will see how many people view this thread so it should be obvious to them that they disappointed many of their customers. In my case I did not only buy the Mavic 3 in believe to get the SDK. I even bought the RC Pro because the RC can't run third party apps... so basically 600 € for nothing. On the other hand calling the Mavic 3 a consumer drone can just be a joke. It gets most obvious when looking at the Mavic 3 Cine, whose selling point is Prores and Prores is definetely nothing for consumers. Stop making fun of us, DJI. 

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  • Giuseppe

    È possibile avere una risposta definitiva? Senza tenerci in attesa? La gente deve lavorare e non stare ad aspettare voi che vi svegliate la mattina con la luna storta. Uscirà questo benedetto sdk per mini 3 Pro o no?

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  • Aroun Kesavaraj

    DJI you are loosing the game for false promise on Mavic 3 series . Looks at other brand announcements. Kindly Keep up your promise.

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  • jdubs_83

    Classic bait and switch. Bad move DJI. You are forcing people into products they don't need or are unwilling to purchase. Greed at it's finest.

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  • William Wong

    We will support Mini 3 Pro and Mini 3 in MSDK v5.3.0 version, estimated release in earily Q2, 2023.

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  • Phil Light

    That's great news, William.  I bet you got a big grin on your face when you received that news and were greatly relieved to be able to share this good news.  Thanks.


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  • William Wong

    Yes Phil Light, thank you for all of your feedbacks. The decision was maded recently. After getting the confirmation of this news, I posted it on the forum at the first second and I hope you guys have a good experience on DJI products.

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  • Patrick McKay

    This is wonderful news William, really fantastic to hear. Well done to the DJI team for making a great decision.

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  • Hi William,

    great news for the Mini 3-series. But what about the Mavic 3 series which came out earlier?

    Kind regards

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  • Ray Taylor

    That is indeed good news. Though I am going to wait a bit longer to see if there is support for the Mavic 3 before I buy a Mini 3 Pro. 

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  • William Wong

    Still no news for Mavic 3 now.

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  • Thank you for the info, William. Still dissapointing, but that's not your fault.

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  • ZippyTiff

    I have to say, while from one view point it could still be seen to be disappointing, but only from the perspective of broken promises.  But i think the way ahead is now clear and the reason they have added the Mini 3 Pro, is to ensure they have a sub 250g drone for the enterprise space, this is slightly clouded by also including the Mini 3, as the Pro could have stood for something

    On the Mavic 3 Enterprise side, i think they are trying really hard to bring this platform up to standard, when compared to the historic pedigree of the Mavic 2 Pro/Zoom

    I see this as a win and lessons learnt all round

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  • jdubs_83

    I see what you mean ZippyTiff and I agree. That appears to be the path forward for DJI. In my opinion they will brand the aircraft they deem enterprise worthy, support them with the SDK, and all remaining aircraft will be classified as consumer only and will not see SDK support. 

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  • Caleb

    @william, are you an employee of DJI or something? I’ve got a few people that are wondering how you know about the SDK…

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  • David Taylor

    William Wong while the announcement of an SDK for the Mini 3 Pro seems a positive development, it should not distract from the fact that DJI claimed an SDK would be forthcoming for the Mavic 3. DJI has engaged in deceptive marketing with regard to the Mavic 3. Moreover, the availability of an SDK for the Mini 3 Pro demonstrates clearly that DJI is capable of delivering such for any drone it chooses. Failure to produce a Mavic 3 SDK is not due to a bottleneck. Therefore DJI needs to be held to account for its failure to deliver on an advertised set of capabilities to a user base that purchased thousands of dollars in equipment with the expectation of 3rd party application functionality. In short, DJI lies. 

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  • Tony Simek

    William Wong It appears that no amount of consumer sentiment or feedback will influence the direction here.  Introducing the SDK for the Mini3Pro before delivering anything for the M3Cine is beyond infuriating and frustrating.  It is disrespectful and shows contempt for your customers.  

    I realize it is debatable if the SDK was promised or not, but it certainly was expected.  Yes, assumptions are fallacies, but even an assumption such as a basic SDK for the signature "flagship" drone from DJI seems reasonable enough.  

    Consumer means purchaser.  The way DJI is attempting to play word games with brand categories is contempt.  

    As it stands right now, for most tasks, my workflow now must include the M3E (thanks to SDK I can use Dronelink) and the M3Cine, for the things the M3E just cannot do.  You are forcing me to carry double the equipment.  My wallet will be fine, but my back hurts.  I cannot do this again next year.  If next years equipment has a different logo on it, do not be surprised.  But whatever you do in ___ months/quarters/years, do not come back and apologize for the strategy, try to make it up to "consumers" and then expect positive interaction and transaction with your former customer base.

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  • Michele Vagnetti

    I would preferred a 4.17 with support to mini3s since "V5" is android only 

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  • jens.fiala

    I agree with Michele, no Android devices in the household, so iOS/iPadOS support is essential.

    That’s another decision I don’t get - why ignore a third of the market?

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  • PhoenixX

    William Wong Will the MSDK give the mini the ability for Non Hyperlapse waypoints. Say on maps.

    Side question- any whispers of software on the non-Pro DJI RC  (e.g. drone deploy)

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  • Johan G

    Am a complete drone beginner, with a Mini 3 Pro. Happy to hear about the coming SDK. A couple questions:

    Will I be able to use my MS Visual Studio platform on a Win laptop to leverage this SDK? 

    Are there API's in these SDKs, or else already-built software available, that can track the GPS coordinates of an Active Tracked subject, such as a sail boat? Maybe better DJI drones can already do this? The M3P does produce nice SRT files with the drone's GPS coordinates data but I can't see how to use the included camera data to derive coordinates for the camera's center-target.

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  • JB

    Absolutely ridiculous! The Mini 2 at $600 gets this support but not the Mavic 3 at $3000. It's a pathetic excuse and will certainly make me look elsewhere when it's time to purchase my next drone.

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  • Suren Munoo

    This is a BS strategy for DJI, HOW can you give out the SDK for a drone that is worth less than half the price of the Mavic 3? You are losing customers on this. I have moved onto the Autel Evo 2 V3 and will purchase the new Evo 3 when it comes out, at least Autel provides the SDK for their Evo Range and maintains that but you, DJI, have dropped the Mavic range!!!! UNACCEPTABLE - Your customers will now talk with their wallets. 

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  • yann de couessin
    I consider buying this drone since I can fly Open A1 in France (<250g) for amateur photogrammetry purpose but I saw the 48Mp was a bit misleading due to the Quad Bayer sensor AND the fact that this resolution can only be achieved thanks to the dedicated mode.

    Do you think / know if the upcoming SDK (Early Q2 2023) will allow waypoint with this high resolution ? With ISO 100 / 200, it's still relevant for photogrammetry purpose.

    Thanks !
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