What is the plan for the consumer level aircraft?




  • Stephen Monro

    Hi William. I'm a bit taken back by these quiet recent announcement updates about the Mavic 3.  A few months ago when I purchased an M3, there was a public road map (on this page) that had specifically mentioned the M3 to have an SDK coming late August 2022. At the time it had also had mentioned the m300 as well. Now, it's all changed. Can you please give a definitive answer on whether or not there will be and SDK at all, or whether it be early in 2023 or if this plan been shelved indefinitely? I'd just like some clarity, as I was relying on this to start up a drone business with these features (way points for aerial photos) in mind, knowing there was to be an SDK release for it. It seems the 'goal posts' keep on changing, and it's frustrating to sit by and watch.

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  • William Wong

    I am sorry that the plan was changing quite often. You need to know that the Mavic 3 is a consumer level products. As you may know, only the enterprise level products support the waypointMissions. Therefore, you need to purchase an enterprise level products for your starting company. All I can tell you is we will release a new enterprise level product recently and it will suit your demands. It will be supported by MSDK when it comes out. Since we spend so much time on the enterprise level products, the Mavic 3 and Mini 3 Pro's plan will be delayed. We havn't made any plans for next year yet. But at least they won't happen in this year.

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  • Karchner14

    @William Wong, So what you are saying is DJI LIED to us again.  Promised us an SDK, we buy the Mavic 3 expecting an SDK then poof you're not getting an SDK.  Consumer drones have worked perfectly fine for mapping and waypoints for years.  Seems to me like DJI found a way to strong arm us in to buying another more expensive drone by telling us we need enterprise because consumer can't handle it when consumer has been handling it for years with no issues.   

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  • Stephen Monro

    Hi William. Thanks for explaining things a little more. There's so many people that purchased an M3 knowing that the SDK was promised. While I know the enterprise equipment has been released, there is a massive community that are truly disappointed and were expecting DJI to have integrity and stay true to it's promise.

    I don't know if you read feedback from the drone community, but there are plenty of people not happy. For me, I'd just like a guarantee that it will still be released, even if it's early next year. Thanks, Steve

    Here's some thoughts from people:

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  • drirby

    William, or DJI in general, I too bought a Mavic 3 expecting to have the same functionality as the Mavic 2 Pro I had owned previously.  The Mavic 3 is heralded as being the “flagship”.  Nowhere was it stated, or even hinted, that DJI would remove basic functionality from a new and improved Mavic aircraft.  I have barely flown my Mavic 3, while waiting for the SDK to be released, since my main purpose in buying it was for mapping on personal forested property.  I was waiting patiently for the SDK but it appears that is not forthcoming.  I am not a commercial enterprise user, and cannot justify incurring the lost value of selling a used Mavic 3 and the new cost of a Mavic 3E

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  • Dave Griffin

    I think what everyone would appreciate is a very clear answer to say that there will be SDK support of the Mavic 3.  Rather than saying no plan to support in 2022 could you tell us that yes in 2023 there WILL be support.

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  • ZippyTiff

    There is ONLY one clear answer from DJI...... buy the Enterprise version


    When using my Mavic 2, it was almost always with Mapsmadeeasy or litchi

    My Mavic 3 has now started its last Return To Home ;-( sadly

    I shall continue to use my Mavic 2 work horse !

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  • Ray Taylor

    I will need to get an answer otherwise I must return my Mavic 3 to the retailer for a refund.
    DJI Enterprise gear is too expensive compared to other brands such as Autel which have SDK support for flight planning apps.  

    The original Mavic Pro had the flight planning and waypoints capability at a cost similar to the Mini Pro 3 so I dont understand why DJI is trying to now get us to spend 3x as much for a basic feature.   

    I also dont understand why DJI markets the Mini 3 Pro model as a "Pro" when it is obviously not even capable of being used for flight planning and mapping apps.  This device appears to be the proper upgrade for the Mavic Pro and should include basic features like waypoints, SDK and compatibility for flight planning / mapping apps. 

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  • Phil Light

    Do you have any expectations that DJI will refund your purchase price, Ray? I would also return my Mini 3 Pro if I thought I could. 

    • "There is no plan to support Mini 3 Pro, Mavic 3 and Mavic 3 Cine, or Avata in 2022."

    William Wong

    Does this mean the plan is to support these aircraft in 70 days? On Monday, January 2, 2023? Can we expect the SDK by January 15 or so?

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  • Stephen Monro

    Wow... DJI have MOVED THE GOAL POSTS AGAIN: "There is no plan to support Mavic 3 and Mavic 3 Cine currently."
    That's deceptive at best. Wow. I'm lost for words.

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  • Tony Simek

    William Wong I too was told by an authorized DJI store when purchasing the M3 (three in total, two cine's) that there would of course be a SDK.  Look, I know you are not responsible for their statements, but asking for a SDK for the "flagship" drone is not unreasonable.  The predecessor M2P had this as well.  Let us not mince words...this is a failure to communicate.  This is a failure to execute.  And failures do not build loyal consumers.  

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  • Tony Simek

    William Wong Your latest edits of the original post now now longer include the very confusing reference to "older" aircraft.  What is the barrier to providing a SDK for the M3 Consumer series?  

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  • Suren Munoo

    DJI Developer SupportWilliam WongDJI We spent thousands of dollars buying the Mavic 3 and Mini 3 Pro and no SDK as yet. At least with the Mavic 2, you said there will be an SDK made available and took a year to give it to us. How can the Mini 2 have an SDK but more capable drones like the Mini 3 and Mavic 3 not have it. When the M3E launched the SDK was made available very quickly so this proves that it does not take a long time to make this SDK file so why drag your feet with the Mavic 3 or is it that now that you have our money you throw us aside and move on. You fail to realize that we, your customers is what make you a Great company buying all your products, ignoring your customers will be to your determent. 

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  • Tony Simek

    I have to agree.  Why would a self-proclaimed "Flagship" drone not have any SDK available?

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  • Brad Morris

    To be totally honest, I had no idea the Mini 3 Pro didn't have an SDK when I purchased it.  I thought for sure it would be supported by 3rd party apps like nearly all previous generations of DJI drones.  I actually sold my Autel EVO II Pro because I wanted the reliability of the DJI ecosystem.  What a mistake.  Huge mistake.  I think I might send back the Mini 3 Pro and get a refund.  At least with Autel I didn't have to deal with geo fencing.

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  • Suren Munoo

    Dji does not realize it maybe, but they are slowing pushing their loyal customers into the hands of their opposition. In the long run, if Autel betters their customer service many, including myself will bail on Dji, mainly because of their false promises of the Mavic 3. Still no 4G support other than China. 

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  • jens.fiala

    Also considering switching. Quite a pity, I like the mini3 pro beside that, but without perspective of SDK it doesn’t make sense.
    DJI looses really credibility in the community by acting in that way - I don’t get that strategy…

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  • John K

    SDK support for the Mini 3 is going to help so many people. Why keep it from hitting the market?|

    At least let us know if it is EVER going to be supported!

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  • Joe mama

    Seriously, I have about a dozen Dji drones I've purchased for my business and personal use, but I am sure not going to purchase their Enterprise level drone when they're intentionally removing features they had on previous models. Spending $5,000 on their flagship drone only for it to be missing key features, I'm sure their competitors aren't doing that. Moving over to a Yuneec drone for mapping since I have more faith they're not intentionally going to remove key functionality just to get me to purchase another drone I do not need. Dji used to try and make their drones as useful and feature-rich as possible, but I fear they're starting to switch tactics.

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  • Suren Munoo

    Well I started my move away from Dji now. I placed my order for the Autel Evo 2 V3. I will slowly sell off my 2 x Mavic 3 and Mini 3 drones and wave bye to Dji. I have been a loyal customer, always buying their products since 2015 but no more. False promises does not cut it. Features promised at launch should have been sorted a year later. DJI Developer SupportDJI you are losing customers and if you dont see it now, you will when it is too late. 

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  • Jack Paddock

    So is DJI willing to buy back all the Mavic 3 drone and accessories because they lied and mislead all of us? Can you spell class action suit.

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  • Tony Simek

    Jack Paddock I get your frustration, but I think the reality is that the only people that get $ in a class action are usually the lawyers.  : )

    I am just going to vote with my wallet and consider other alternatives as they become available.

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  • jens.fiala

    I agree. I also cancelled an Avatar purchase after finding out the statement regarding not planning to support the Mini 3 „PRO“. 

    Earlier or later DJI might also realize that they acting like that doesn‘t help their branding and affect their communities sales support… Whether I‘ll have any DJI drones by then - not sure…

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  • Sam36401

    I would be curious to find out the number of Consumer drones purchased vs. the number of Enterprise drones. I think it would be a safe bet that consumers outweigh the others 20:1.

    So DJI is going to cater to the few, in an effort to push consumers from a $3,000 aircraft to a $15,000 machine. It is going to affect their bottom line.

    I have a Phantom 4, which I have used to map/survey pasture and forest areas. Flying a pre-programmed path was simple. View the feed, known landmarks, etc. If there was an issue, I knew where to go. After purchasing new property, a new drone with better flight time would be great. I agree with others that calling the M3 a 'flagship' is total BS. It has less useful functionality that some of their 'older' aircraft. Its like building a new jet, but taking away the auto-pilot system.

    I too will have to look at other manufacturers.

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  • Jack Paddock

    Tony Simek I was involved in a class action where they made the company refund the amount plus penalty and fees. They also paid a cash sum (which the lawyers got most of). Even so we can't just let DJI get away with lying to the customers.

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  • Tony Simek

    Jack Paddock I hear ya.  I just have grown weary over the years and have seen many times in forums and other support venues where the legal option gets tossed out as a statement expecting the vendor to reverse course.  Honestly, the time, money and heartburn of a action that still would not result in a SDK is just throwing good money after bad.

    DJI can and should do better but I do not think we can take a bad situation, add lawyers and then get a better result.

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  • Brien Crean

    I would just point out that this kind of message has been relayed from DJI in the past regarding the mini 2. So I am hopeful that when they say 'There is no plan to support Mini 3 Pro currently' that there will be a plan in the future. I saw on one of the issues in the V5 Sample app's Github that there is a 5.2.0 update coming in the next week. So fingers crossed for some consumer level drone support and more stability with this new SDK.

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  • richard dodds

    Is DJI suggesting that we return our new Mini 3 Pro drones for a Mini 2?  If that is the case, then I can recoup 50% of the cost of the Mini 3 Pro.  I should have joined this forum prior to purchase but I thought DJI was a reputable company.  With such a demand for the SDK and coupled with the features of the Mini 3 pro, DJI could have record breaking product sales without turning so many people off.  What would it take for DJI to priorities the SDK for the Mini 3 Pro?

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  • ZippyTiff

    richard dodds

    Funny you should say that, but thats exactly what i have been told to do ! Buy the Mini 2..... they of course have NOT said they will now refund my Mini 3 Pro, i guess thats my problem !

    I am in ongoing discussions with the DJI Support team, because the situation is less than ideal.  Even if you pay for the Enterprise version of the Mavic 3, it doesnt get better, as they have stripped the Enterprise version of almost every decent feature, plus its full of inconsistencies and more missing (critical ones too) features

    Its clear in this instance Mini 3 & Mavic 3, where they went wrong was to say the SDK 'was' happening, which is why people made buying choices..... but then to now specifically say its 'not' happening is the twisting the knife :-(

    Sigh !

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  • Brad Morris

    This was my experience with the Mavic 2 Enterprise. The DJI Pilot app is pretty terrible and is no longer being updated by DJI. My company doesn’t provide smart devices as they know we all have them. I have an Apple device and DJI stopped supporting Apple devices on DJI Pilot. It actually isn’t as bad on my iPhone as it is on my iPad, but because of the screen sizing, you can’t click on the button to download flight logs on the iPad. So that means I can only use my iPhone. Stupid. I’ve complained to DJI, but they only replied with a list of supported Android devices.

    I wouldn’t buy an enterprise drone from DJI without a smart controller. And now that DJI is on the banned list, I wouldn’t buy a DJI enterprise drone.

    I purchased the Mini 3 Pro with my own money for my own use. Wish I hadn’t but I did.

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