Applicable models: M600 series, A3, N3, M210 series, M210 V2 series
SDK version: OSDK3.7 & OSDK3.8
Telemetry provides a quaternion topic (TOPIC_QUATERNION) but does not provide a way to obtain the attitude angle. However, the quaternion can be converted into an attitude angle by means of Euler's formula. The conversion procedure is as follows:
Vector3f FlightSample::quaternionToEulerAngle(
const Telemetry::Quaternion& quat) {
Telemetry::Vector3f eulerAngle;
double q2sqr = quat.q2 * quat.q2;
double t0 = -2.0 * (q2sqr + quat.q3 * quat.q3) + 1.0;
double t1 = 2.0 * (quat.q1 * quat.q2 + quat.q0 * quat.q3);
double t2 = -2.0 * (quat.q1 * quat.q3 - quat.q0 * quat.q2);
double t3 = 2.0 * (quat.q2 * quat.q3 + quat.q0 * quat.q1);
double t4 = -2.0 * (quat.q1 * quat.q1 + q2sqr) + 1.0;
t2 = (t2 > 1.0) ? 1.0 : t2;
t2 = (t2 < -1.0) ? -1.0 : t2;
eulerAngle.x = atan2(t3, t4); //roll
eulerAngle.y = asin(t2); //pitch
eulerAngle.z = atan2(t1, t0); //yaw
return eulerAngle;
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