Saviero Garcia
- 活动总数 21
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Saviero Garcia 的最新活动-
Saviero Garcia 创建了一个帖子,
Can a dock run apps?
已完成HelloJust like we can run android app on a remote control which can tell us about the drone's position and other parameters on an UI, is there a way to connect the DJI dock to something that can al...
Saviero Garcia 创建了一个帖子,
How to get zoom level via DJIBridge
已完成Consider the code: def on_connect(client, userdata, flags, rc): print("Connected with result code " + str(rc)) # Subscribing in on_connect() means that if we lose the connection and # rec...
Saviero Garcia 进行了评论,
This is my final solution: private fun takeOff(id: String) { Log.d("Monsoon Command Execution :", "Takeoff") val callback = object : CommonCallbacks.CompletionCal...
Saviero Garcia 创建了一个帖子,
How do I convert camera data to Image?
已完成Hello I have an M30. I am running this code: private val streamSourcesListener = StreamSourceListener { it?.let { upload_toWebSocket (; } } ...
Saviero Garcia 进行了评论,
> Does the current page for live streaming display the video channel feed that needs to be pushed out? I do not understand what page you are referring to. > I would like to confirm the status of th...
Saviero Garcia 创建了一个帖子,
Getting video stream from DJI
已完成HEre is code: private fun getVideo() {var sr = MediaDataCenter.getInstance().getLiveStreamManager()Log.d("Monsoon: RTMP Video stream", "stream status: " + sr.isStreaming.toString());if(sr.isStream...
Saviero Garcia 进行了评论,
Due to developmental reasons, I am not able to execute your sample code on the RC. So, please i need to find a solution in my code. Here is code again: WaypointMissionManager.getInstance().init() ...
Saviero Garcia 进行了评论,
I can't find any KMZ file in your sampel code. Please attach such file here, if possible, at your earliest convenience.
Saviero Garcia 创建了一个帖子,
KMZ file upload Error
已完成I want to upload a KMZ file to a M350 Aircraft. The file is located under: /data/user/0/org.opensky.monsoon.flightopsrdi/files/M350.kmz There is a folder "wpmz" under /data/user/0/org.opensky.monso...
Saviero Garcia 进行了评论,
yes, i tried your code. However using the same code in my app leads to this issue. Please paste a relevant sample code here. Do I need to set the remote controller in a specific mode? Please adv...