
  • Total activity 38
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Recent activity by Rinto Recent activity Votes
  • DJI_FC_SUBSCRIPTION_TOPIC_GIMBAL_ANGLES and DjiGimbalManager_Rotate euler angle convetion

    Hey! What is the convention for your euler angles for the gimbal? In dji_fc_subscription you mention something about the order for the topic, but do not mention whether it are internal or external ...

  • PSDK 3.8: Losing fc subscription messages


    Hi, we are using PSDK 3.8 and every 2 minutes or so we lose 100ms of fc_subscription messages (of all topics at the same time). We have this issue in PSDK3.5, 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8, thus I don't assume ...

  • Large offset compass hilsim


    Hi, Im observing very noticable offsets in roll and pitch in hilsim. Roll 5 deg and pitch 1 deg. Why is this? How do I calibrate this for hilsim? Note that this is on the quaternion topic, and not ...



    Hi. Can someone please provide information about the mapping from thrust input to thrust? DJI, PLEASE bring me in contact with one of your flight engineers who can tell me what you are controlling ...

  • Negative thrust DJI m300 RTK


    Hi, Can the DJI m300 rtk give negative thrust? When performing thrust control I notice in hilsim mode that my acceleration drop below -9.81 m/s^2. Is this a simulation error? Or can the m300 give n...

  • Joystick control dji psdk


    Hi, I want to do thrust autonomous control. - Is there any news on the mapping from value (0-100%) to thrust? Do you control RPM or forward a PWM to ESC internally? - I try to do joystick control b...

  • Thrust mapping (0-1) to force


    Hi, how do I map the thrust to a force? What's the relationship (linear, quadratic etc?). Does it depend on battery voltage or do you already compensate for that?    Thanks in advance!  

  • Sequence euler angles


    Hi, what is the meaning of your euler angles in the psdk? In which order to you apply them? This is for angle control of PSDK. I assume YAW->PITCH->ROLL. Is that correct?  

  • Unsubscribe fc topic


    How can I unsubscribe a topic of fc? I tried passing NULL by resubscribing, but that doens't work. PSDK3.2 but can upgrade to 3.3.

  • Camera "Function" and "Manager"


    I have a few questions about Camera manager and Camera function: 1. Why are the camera functions split over these two "modules"? What is the difference? 2. I want to adjust the focalringvalue (part...