No Waypoint class in V5?



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  • DJI Developer Support
    1.Do I understand correctly that there is no longer a Waypoint class with all the settings and that they have been moved into a single KML file for mission? -->There is a module for waypoint in V5 and the API address is: 2.Also, I am not seeing any indication how actions can be included. There is reference to Payload Actions, but it isn't clear how those equate to actions in the V4.16.x SDK. -->In MSDK V5, we use KMZ files to store route information, which includes route settings, waypoint settings and waypoint actions.You can refer to these this articles for details on how to use them:Chapter 8: The waypointMission 3.The documentation also says that a max of 99 waypoints can be added (for M30 and M300), is that a typo? --》The M30 series and M300 support a maximum of 65535 waypoints.Where did you see this information? Can you give an address?
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