Full VirtualStick support in MSDK5?
CompletedWith the production release of MSDK5, IVirtualStickManager seems to offer quite limited low-level control. Is there a roadmap to support the features of MSDK4 - notably:
- setVerticalControlMode
- setRollPitchControlMode
- setYawControlMode
- setRollPitchCoordinateSystem
and more generally support the feature set of MSDK4? If so, when can we expect it? If not, is there another API which will offer similar capabilities?
Actually the IVirtualStickManager was encapsulated by the KeySendVirtualStickFlightControlData, so I assume you want to directly operate those keys. Please refer to the code below. controlParam.setVerticalControlMode(verticalControlMode); controlParam.setRollPitchControlMode(rollPitchControlMode); controlParam.setYawControlMode(yawControlMode); controlParam.getRollPitchCoordinateSystem(rollPitchCoordinateSystem); controlParam.setVerticalThrottle(verticalThrottle); controlParam.setYaw(yaw);controlParam.setPitch(pitch); controlParam.setRoll(roll); KeyManager.getInstance().performAction(KeyTools.createKey(FlightControllerKey.KeySendVirtualStickFlightControlData), controlParam, Callback); -
I just wrote an article regards to what you are asking. Please have a read, https://sdk-forum.dji.net/hc/en-us/articles/8697869415577-Chapter-6-The-virtual-stick
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