Drone spin around yaw-axis after virtual stick is disabled




  • DJI Developer Support
    Can you tell us under what circumstances this problem usually occurs? How can we steadily reproduce this problem?There is a known problem related to virtual joystick, is this a problem you encountered? ![](https://djisdksupport.zendesk.com/attachments/token/hnifXqDWKZC6AI1ppaFW4ylCs/?name=image.png)
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  • system2xper

    This happen when using iOS SDK together with an AIR2S.

    This is the sequence:

    • Virtual stick is enabled.
    • Sending ctrl-data with following setup to control the drone (lots of different pitch, roll, yaw and throttle commands):
      rollPitchCoordinateSystem = .body
      rollPitchControlMode = .velocity
      yawControlMode = .angle
      verticalControlMode = .position
    • When I am going to stop the drone and leave virtual stick mode, I first send 0 command to pitch, roll, yaw and throttle with setup:
      rollPitchCoordinateSystem = .body
      rollPitchControlMode = .angle
      yawControlMode = .angle
      verticalControlMode = .velocity
    • And after that I deactivate the virtual stick.

    Perhaps it is the same as the known issue you mentioned. Is the solution to set to same coordinate system used when virtual stick is not used?

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  • DJI Developer Support
    It doesn't seem to be the same as your situation. Have you tested that not switching coordinate systems can cause this problem? Can I reproduce your problem in the simulator?
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  • system2xper

    I can try to not switch coordinate system, and see if there is any differ.

    Unfortunately I have not seen the problem in the simulator.

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  • DJI Developer Support
    I did not reproduce your problem in my tests. You can try the configuration we recommend for the virtual stick. You can configure these four modes first and then start the virtual stick mode. Recommended configuration: rollPitchCoordinateSystem = .body rollPitchControlMode = .velocity yawControlMode = .velocity verticalControlMode = .velocity Video of my test:https://pan-sec.djicorp.com/s/oXXJHe8dYwAgnff password:dji123
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  • system2xper

    Thanks for the response, I will try that.

    I will also try to reproduce my problem with more detailed description about the sequence.

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  • system2xper

    Hi again,

    So I have tried to reproduce the issue and sometimes it happens sometimes not. Here is a video how it looks:


    When i control the drone with virtual stick a usually use:
    rollPitchCoordinateSystem = .body rollPitchControlMode = .velocity yawControlMode = .angle verticalControlMode = .position
    and then sent wanted commands. Before I turn the virtual stick off I set:
    rollPitchCoordinateSystem = .ground rollPitchControlMode = .velocity yawControlMode = .velocity verticalControlMode = .velocity and then sent zero speed to all directions once, and after I that set virtual stick disabled.

    I notice now that you suggest .body as coordinate system with velocity as control mode for all directions, so I will try that tomorrow. Is it enough to set that configuration just one before turn virtual stick off?

    Another issue is that if I disconnect the remote controller from my iOS unit while virtual stick is active it is not possible to control the drone. I have to switch to sport-mode and back again to deactivate the virtual stick and be able to control the drone. Is this expected? 

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  • DJI Developer Support
    1.Is it enough to set that configuration just one before turn virtual stick off? -->In fact, you don't need to modify the configuration specifically before turning off the virtual stick. You can first test if the problem occurs with the standard configuration as well. We recommend configuring the virtual stick mode first, and then enabling the virtual stick. 2.Another issue is that if I disconnect the remote controller from my iOS unit while virtual stick is active it is not possible to control the drone. I have to switch to sport-mode and back again to deactivate the virtual stick and be able to control the drone. Is this expected? -->When using the virtual joystick, the IOS device must be connected to the remote control. This is because the MSDK is communicating with the drone through the remote control.
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