Play Sound & Control Status Indicator LED's on Drone Using OSDK



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  • DJI Developer Support
    1 : Is there any option to Play sound on Drone & Control Status Indicator LED's via OSDK Api's? -->1、Sorry, there is no OSDK API to control the sound or LED of the drone temporarily. 2 : When we are running WaypointV2 mission , the mission is paused when some objects are detected. Is there any option to get the detected Object image or distance to detected object or Detected object details in OSDK? -->2、The image can be get via OSDK advance sensing functions, or there is a TOPIC: TOPIC_AVOID_DATA to subscribe the distance from obstacle. 3: Is there any option to get the output of Infrared sensing systems from OSDK? -->3、Infrared sensing systems cannot be obtained directly, and TOPIC_AVOID_DATA contains the data of the fusion infrared system
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