undefined reference to `FlightSample::FlightSample(DJI::OSDK::Vehicle*)'
CompletedPlease help me in linking what is missing when compilint only flight-control.
Cmake works but when i compile i get the error : undefined reference to `FlightSample::FlightSample(DJI::OSDK::Vehicle*)'
Could you please let me know what to add to CMakeLists.txt to have it working?
Please DO NOT link me to a useless github or forum answer, i already went troygh all of them and didn't find an answer.
The developer's application development is beyond the scope of DJI SDK technical support, the link to the compiled file has been provided for this question, it is about the **basic compilation configuration**. It is recommended that you learn the basics of Linux C/C++ development first, and then port the OSDK for your application. Just take the flight control sample as an example (copy telemetry CMakeLists.txt from github: https://github.com/dji-sdk/Onboard-SDK/issues/770) update the CMakeLists.txt  Compile:  update the source code:camera_manager_sync_sample.cpp  
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