What kind of error is TRAJ_WP_YAW_OUT_OF_RANGE in startMission?
When I startMission in WaypointMissionManager, TRAJ_WP_YAW_OUT_OF_RANGE occurs with errorCode of IDJIError.
What error is it?
And is there any documentation that explains this type of error?
Thank you.
Dear developers, Hello, thank you for contacting DJI Innovation. The error code TRAJ_WP_YAW_OUT_OF_RANGE may be related to the heading Angle setting in the waypoint task. This error indicates that the waypoint heading Angle is set beyond the allowable range. Check and ensure that the heading Angle of all waypoints is set within the allowable range of the system. Thank you for your understanding and support, I wish you a happy life! Best Regards, Dji innovation SDK technical support
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