MSDK 5.11.0 - ReceiveStreamListener issue



  • DJI Developer Support
    Dear developers, Hello, thank you for contacting DJI Innovation. I understand that your description is that the mode has been switched, but the resolution has not changed, but I have not received any feedback from other developers. Can you provide a video of replicating the sample code? Thank you for your email and have a nice life! Best Regards, Dji innovation SDK technical support
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  • chano
    I added logs to the CameraStreamDetailVM class in sample app.

    And I added PhotoVideoSwitchWidget to fragment_camera_stream_detail.xml.
    When I press the Begin Download Stream button, data comes into ReceiveStreamListener.

    In video mode it is 1080 * 1920, in photo mode it is 1080 * 1440.
    When I press the Begin Download Stream button while in video mode, 1080 * 1920 is recorded in the log. However, even if I switch to photo mode, it still captures 1080 * 1920.

    when I click stop Download Stream and do Begin Download Stream again, it shows 1080 * 1440.

    Thank you.

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  • DJI Developer Support
    Dear developers, Hello, thank you for contacting DJI Innovation. Thank you for your feedback. I have submitted your question to the R&D department for verification. Thank you for your understanding and support, I wish you a happy life! Best Regards, Dji innovation SDK technical support
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