[0.007][core]-[Info]-[DjiCore_Init:106) Payload SDK Version : V3.9.2-beta.0-build.2125
[2.327][adapter]-[Info]-[DjiAccessAdapter_Init:215) Try identify UART0 connection failed. Probably because SDK adapter or aircraft not finish init or UART connect error.
[4.704][adapter]-[Info]-[DjiAccessAdapter_Init:215) Try identify UART0 connection failed. Probably because SDK adapter or aircraft not finish init or UART connect error.
[7.090][adapter]-[Info]-[DjiAccessAdapter_Init:215) Try identify UART0 connection failed. Probably because SDK adapter or aircraft not finish init or UART connect error.
[9.492][adapter]-[Info]-[DjiAccessAdapter_Init:215) Try identify UART0 connection failed. Probably because SDK adapter or aircraft not finish init or UART connect error.
[11.907][adapter]-[Info]-[DjiAccessAdapter_Init:215) Try identify UART0 connection failed. Probably because SDK adapter or aircraft not finish init or UART connect error.
[14.330][adapter]-[Info]-[DjiAccessAdapter_Init:215) Try identify UART0 connection failed. Probably because SDK adapter or aircraft not finish init or UART connect error.
[16.765][adapter]-[Info]-[DjiAccessAdapter_Init:215) Try identify UART0 connection failed. Probably because SDK adapter or aircraft not finish init or UART connect error.
[19.209][adapter]-[Info]-[DjiAccessAdapter_Init:215) Try identify UART0 connection failed. Probably because SDK adapter or aircraft not finish init or UART connect error.
[21.665][adapter]-[Info]-[DjiAccessAdapter_Init:215) Try identify UART0 connection failed. Probably because SDK adapter or aircraft not finish init or UART connect error.
[21.665][adapter]-[Error]-[DjiAccessAdapter_Init:220) Try identify UART0 connection timeout. Probably because SDK adapter or aircraft not finish init or UART connect error.
[21.665][core]-[Error]-[DjiCore_Init:126) Access adapter init error, stat:225
[21.665][user]-[Error]-[main:131) Core init error
您好,您可以上传到此处网盘,麻烦您把硬件连接方式,最好包含细节,一起提供下。https://pan-sec.djicorp.com/s/434g8RKo4Hi4Mjn -
您好,回答下您的 >PC端通过串口助手接收比如M300飞行状态的数据,我要怎么才能知道串口助手上收到的16进制的数据是M300的飞行状态呢 这个您可以在代码中找到定义或解释,比如 typedef enum { DJI_FC_SUBSCRIPTION_FLIGHT_STATUS_STOPED = 0, /*!< Aircraft is on ground and motors are still. */ DJI_FC_SUBSCRIPTION_FLIGHT_STATUS_ON_GROUND = 1, /*!< Aircraft is on ground but motors are rotating. */ DJI_FC_SUBSCRIPTION_FLIGHT_STATUS_IN_AIR = 2, /*!< Aircraft is in air. */ } E_DjiFcSubscriptionFlightStatus;
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