No connection between the RC and Raspberry Pi via WiFi




  • DJI Developer Support
    Hello, we have noticed the problem you described, but unfortunately, the part you inquired about does not involve any SDK, which may be beyond the scope of our SDK technical support. We may not be able to provide a more accurate answer or reference-worthy information for the issue you mentioned.
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  • Ernesto David Oliva Pérez

    Can you tell me who to contact?

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  • DJI Developer Support
    Hello, we can transfer you to the MSDK team to see if we can provide you with some suggestions or ideas, but since it does not involve MSDK related content, please understand that we can only try our best to help you analyze it, but cannot guarantee a perfect solution.
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  • Ernesto David Oliva Pérez

    So you're telling me it's not possible to run what I want on DJI controllers?

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  • DJI Developer Support
    Could you please let us know if you have assigned a static IP address for the RC? What is the IP address?
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  • Ernesto David Oliva Pérez

    Please be advised that no special settings have been made on the controller. Devices connecting to the Raspberry will have IPs in the range to In the previous instance of this error occurring, the IP address assigned to the controller was 5.

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  • yating.liao

    The IP address is disabled, and it is recommended that you try other addresses for testing. Please avoid using the IP addresses shown in the image below.

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