Unexpected Focus Shift in Manual Focus Mode on DJI Drone




  • DJI Developer Support
    Dear developers, Hello, thank you for contacting DJI Innovation. Are you using the cloud API or msdk? Thank you for your email and have a nice life! Best Regards, Dji innovation SDK technical support
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  • DJI Developer Support
    Dear developers, Hello, thank you for contacting DJI Innovation. Can you provide relevant error information or video? Thank you for your email and have a nice life! Best Regards, Dji innovation SDK technical support
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  • Quentin Arnaud

    I am using the msdk. I am using the KeyCameraFocusMode to set the manual mode.

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  • DJI Developer Support
    Dear developers, Hello, thank you for contacting DJI Innovation. Will I get an error using the official instance code? How did you write it? Can you provide your code? Are there any error messages? I hope our solution can help you, thank you for your email, wish you a happy life! Best Regards, Dji innovation SDK technical support
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  • DJI Developer Support
    Dear developers, Hello, thank you for contacting DJI Innovation. What model are you using? I hope our solution can help you, thank you for your email, wish you a happy life! Best Regards, Dji innovation SDK technical support
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  • Quentin Arnaud

    it's not really an error, so there is no error in the code.
    In fact we use the manual focus mode and we display the RingValue on our application. However, by doing nothing, it happens that the drone gives us another RingValue. That this value changes without us touching anything. I wanted to know if this problem had already been notified and if external factors can influence the value of the RingValue of the camera for example.

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  • DJI Developer Support
    Dear developers, Hello, thank you for contacting DJI Innovation. another RingValue. ==》 What is this? You used manual focus mode, but no input parameters, the system gave you the default type? Or what? I hope our solution can help you, thank you for your email, wish you a happy life! Best Regards, Dji innovation SDK technical support
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  • Quentin Arnaud

    So basically, we use the RingValue to display the focus distance in our application. To do this, we check the RingValue of the camera, given by the DJI key "DJIKeyInfo<Integer> KeyCameraFocusRingValue" and convert it to distance to have the focus information.

    To focus, we put our camera in manual focus mode, and we double-tap on our screen. When we double-tap, the camera sets the focus and changes its RingValue. We retrieve it and then display the focus distance. Then we take our photo without refocusing, and the camera is still in manual focus mode.

    The problem is that sometimes, we see our focus label change, so that means that the RingValue of the camera changes. However, we do nothing except take a photo. So my question is, where does this problem come from? From the key? From the camera (we use the DJI Zemnuse P1)? Maybe it's due to the environment so the RingValue changes a bit?

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  • DJI Developer Support
    Dear developers, Hello, thank you for contacting DJI Innovation. Can you provide relevant replay videos? I hope our solution can help you, thank you for your email, wish you a happy life! Best Regards, Dji innovation SDK technical support
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  • DJI Developer Support
    Dear developers, Hello, thank you for contacting DJI Innovation. Did the RingValue change automatically while you were manually focusing? Is the actual photo effect consistent with the changed RingValue? I hope our solution can help you, thank you for your email, wish you a happy life! Best Regards, Dji innovation SDK technical support
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  • Quentin Arnaud

    To be more clear, we actually use the autoFocus mode to set the focus on a point. So we double tap on our screen, and we call the auto focus mode to set the focus on this point. After that we don't change to the manual focus mode. So maybe the AutoFocus change the value sometimes. 

    We maybe need to set the focus to manual mode after that we double tap on the screen ? 

    To answer to your questions, we set the focus with autoFocus mode and not manual focus mode (my mistake), and yes, the actual photo effect consistent with the changed RingValue.

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