Why do my /osd topic always return tid and bid with all zeros:
CompletedI receive the /status topic:
"tid": "5ad38876-4945-aead-43eb-11106ce4632c",
"bid": "e5c87e53-3357-058c-629c-98ff8e8966ef",
"timestamp": 1724212705018,
"method": "update_topo",
"data": {
"domain": 2,
"type": 144,
"sub_type": 0,
"device_secret": "b321868297b0fca6f1e826afb4b67b29",
"nonce": "b6420fa7610260e367f4818e05c2c0af",
"version": 1,
"sub_devices": []
After I publish a message to the same tid, bid /status_reply then I started to receive some osd messages but with all zeros for tid and bid. Same for other topics like /events, /state
"bid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"data": {
"capacity_percent": 0,
"latitude": 0,
"live_status": {
"live_time": 0,
"live_trendline": 0,
"video_id": "",
"video_quality": 65535
"longitude": 0,
"transmission_signal_quality": 0,
"wireless_link": {
"4g_freq_band": 5.8,
"4g_gnd_quality": 65535,
"4g_link_state": 0,
"4g_quality": 65535,
"4g_uav_quality": 65535,
"dongle_number": 0,
"link_workmode": 1,
"sdr_freq_band": 5.8,
"sdr_link_state": 0,
"sdr_quality": 65535
"wireless_link_state": {
"download_quality": 0,
"frequency_band": 0,
"upward_quality": 0
"tid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"timestamp": 1724212707349,
"gateway": "5YSZKBM00210LF"
Dear developers, Hello, thank you for contacting DJI Innovation. When osd information is reported, the tid and bid in the reported message are 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000. I hope our solution can help you, thank you for your email, wish you a happy life! Best Regards, DJI DJI innovation SDK technical support
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