The network is abnormal, please check the backend service and Docker stop mysql




  • DJI Developer Support
    Dear Developer, Hello and thank you for reaching out to DJI Innovations. Docker deployment does not require modification of configuration files. Judging from the message, it appears that MySQL is encountering an issue. You may refer to the following documentation for common problems and solutions in Docker deployments:docker部署常见问题及解决方案 If the issue persists, kindly provide your front-end and back-end configuration files along with a screenshot of the error for further assistance. We hope that our solution meets your needs satisfactorily. We appreciate your email and wish you a wonderful day! Best Regards, DJI Innovations SDK Technical Support Team
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  • Le Van Hung

    Dear DJI Innovations SDK Technical Support. I'm grateful for your support, I will try the Docker guide you sent. Have a good day to you.

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  • DJI Developer Support
    Dear Developer, Hello and thank you for reaching out to DJI Innovations. Sure thing, I'm here to provide technical support whenever you need it. We hope that our solution meets your needs satisfactorily. We appreciate your email and wish you a wonderful day! Best Regards, DJI Innovations SDK Technical Support Team
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