M300 DjiCameraManager_SetOpticalZoomParam 无法控制到指定的焦距
Completed设备:M300, PSDK 3.8.1, NX, H20
通过 DjiCameraManager_SetOpticalZoomParam 把相机从 2 倍 变焦到10倍时,有时候会卡在9.9倍就不动了
[61.473][user]-[Info]-[execute:163) wait for zoom factor(10.0) to be reached, current factor(2.0), cnt:1
[62.154][user]-[Info]-[execute:163) wait for zoom factor(10.0) to be reached, current factor(2.3), cnt:3
[62.834][user]-[Info]-[execute:163) wait for zoom factor(10.0) to be reached, current factor(3.7), cnt:5
[63.494][user]-[Info]-[execute:163) wait for zoom factor(10.0) to be reached, current factor(4.7), cnt:7
[64.155][user]-[Info]-[execute:163) wait for zoom factor(10.0) to be reached, current factor(7.8), cnt:9
[64.832][user]-[Info]-[execute:163) wait for zoom factor(10.0) to be reached, current factor(9.9), cnt:11
[65.533][user]-[Info]-[execute:163) wait for zoom factor(10.0) to be reached, current factor(9.9), cnt:13
[66.193][user]-[Info]-[execute:163) wait for zoom factor(10.0) to be reached, current factor(9.9), cnt:15
[66.854][user]-[Info]-[execute:163) wait for zoom factor(10.0) to be reached, current factor(9.9), cnt:17
[67.513][user]-[Info]-[execute:163) wait for zoom factor(10.0) to be reached, current factor(9.9), cnt:19
[68.174][user]-[Info]-[execute:163) wait for zoom factor(10.0) to be reached, current factor(9.9), cnt:21
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