Why M300 remote controller cannot be recognized in Android Studio?




  • DJI Developer Support
    Could you please inform me about the type of operating system your computer is using? Additionally, we recommend setting the USB configuration to charging. You can refer to this article which explains the important points to consider when connecting this remote control to Android Studio:https://sdk-forum.dji.net/hc/en-us/articles/4405760846745-Why-M300-remote-controller-cannot-be-recognized-in-Android-Studio
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  • hyunahkim

    The operating system I am using is Ubuntu 20.04

    (system)hakim@lion:~ $ lsb_release -a
    No LSB modules are available.
    Distributor ID: Ubuntu
    Description:    Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS
    Release:        20.04
    Codename:       focal

    Even when the USB configuration is set to 'Charging', the device is not recognized in Android Studio


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  • DJI Developer Support
    We have not verified the connection of the Ubuntu system to the M300 remote control. Have you confirmed that your computer can connect to other Android devices via ADB?
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  • hyunahkim

    As you can see from my post and the photos, the RC Controller is connected. Only the M300 controller was not connected before, but I have resolved the issue now

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  • DJI Developer Support
    I'm glad to hear that you have resolved the issue. Could you please share the solution with us? I might be able to edit this method into an article to help users developing on the Ubuntu system.
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