MSDK 5.8.0 - currentWaypointIndex initialization issue in addWaylineExecutingInfoListener



  • DJI Developer Support
    After calling PauseMission, the mission status should change to INTERRUPTED. Can you reliably trigger this issue now? How can you trigger it?
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  • chano

    sorry. When I call PauseMission, it becomes INTERRUPTED, and the next time I call ResumeMission, it changes to RECOVERING and currentWaypointIndex becomes 0.

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  • DJI Developer Support
    Can you get the correct currentWaypointIndex if the status has returned to EXECUTING? If the currentWaypointIndex becomes 0 only in the RECOVERING situation, I think this may be normal. When the aircraft resumes its mission, it cannot determine its current position because during the pause state, the pilot can control the aircraft to go to any position.
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