Disabling Braking While Preserving Sensor Functionality on M300/M350



  • DJI Developer Support
    I would like to know how you are currently achieving the obstacle avoidance deactivation. The interface to deactivate obstacle avoidance on MSDK v5 is setObstacleAvoidanceType. When ObstacleAvoidanceType is set to CLOSE, the obstacle avoidance feature is automatically disabled.
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  • Victor Jacquemet

    Thank you for bringing up this detail regarding the deactivation of obstacle avoidance via the MSDK v5 interface. As you've correctly noted, I am currently disabling the obstacle avoidance feature by setting setObstacleAvoidanceType to CLOSE. However, I've encountered an issue where, upon setting the type to CLOSE, I no longer receive the obstacle sensor values, specifically ObstacleData. My goal is to continue receiving ObstacleData, even while the ObstacleAvoidanceType is set to CLOSE. Would you have any suggestions or insights on how this can be achieved ? 

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  • DJI Developer Support
    The Mobile SDK V4 allows you to obtain obstacle data while disabling obstacle avoidance. However, I have tried Mobile SDK V5 and currently, it is not possible. I will check with the team to see if there is a way to retrieve obstacle distance in Mobile SDK V5 as well.
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  • DJI Developer Support
    I apologize for keeping you waiting for so long. We have checked that in Mobile SDK V5, obstacles distance data is not rejected when the avoidance type is CLOSE. From this perspective, it seems that Mobile SDK V5 currently cannot achieve obstacle data retrieval while avoiding obstacles. However, this functionality can be achieved in Mobile SDK V4. If you do not have plans to use L2 and third-party developed devices, you may consider using Mobile SDK V4.
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  • Victor Jacquemet

    Thank you for your detailed response. I remain quite confused by the message I am confronted with (M350). It indicates to me that obstacle avoidance is disabled, although the auditory alert is still available. Why wouldn't I be able to retrieve this information?

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  • DJI Developer Support
    The warning mentioned in this pop-up window, I believe, should be the warning information provided by Pilot 2. However, we are currently not sure how Pilot 2 implements warnings. Do you want to implement similar functionality? I can try to inquire, but the methods used by Pilot 2 may not necessarily be applicable to MSDK V5.
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  • Victor Jacquemet

    We are just wondering if there is a way to 1) disable the braking of the M300 while 2) keep receiving the distances through the PerceptionInformationListener.

    From our testing, it looks like we no longer receive any data as soon as we disable the  horizontal avoidance (`setObstacleAvoidance(false, PerceptionDirection.HORIZONTAL)`) or the global one (`setOverallObstacleAvoidance(false)`)

    It seems that the issue doesn't happen on the Mavic 3E. 

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  • DJI Developer Support
    Mavic 3E and M300 are different models, and the strategies they adopt may be different. I have provided feedback to the team regarding the issues encountered with the M300 and M350 for further confirmation. Please wait for some time. Thank you.
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