MSDK 5.8.0 - WaypointMissionManager reports mission is finished
We are experiencing issues with WaypointMission.
We encountered the following situations multiple times:
After starting a waypoint mission, few seconds after the first waypoint is reached, the SDK reports that the last waypoint was reached and that the mission is finished.
16:13:09.839 reachedWaypoint index=0 missionState=ENTER_WAYLINE
16:13:09.937 reachedWaypoint index=0 missionState=EXECUTING
16:13:18.499 reachedWaypoint index=5 missionState=EXECUTING
16:13:20.625 missionState=FINISHED
You can see that the SDK reported that the drone has entered the first Wayline, started executing Waypoints, reached Waypoint 0 and then after 9 seconds, reached Waypoint 5 and missionState changed to FINISH.
The drone that was used is M3T, firmware version: 09.00.0505. Remote controller version: 02.01.0202
Thanks in advance.
Please create a new post on the MSDK community and remove your comment from my post.
DJI or I will try help you there.
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