FPVWidget get Bitmap in MSDK-V5
CompletedHello everyone, I bought the Mavic 3E and the DJI Mini 3 and I wanted to see if anyone knows any way to get the Bitmaps from an FPVWidget in the Mobile SDK v5? In the old UXSDK, you just had to do fpvWidget.getBitmap(); But this new version apparently doesn't have that. I looked in several places and didn't find anything, if anyone can help me I'll be grateful.
The FPVWidget in MSDK V5 utilizes surfaceView, which does not support direct retrieval of Bitmaps using the getBitmap method. However, you may consider converting the YUV data to a Bitmap instead. Or you can try using the new rendering interface of MSK 5.8.0-a2. It supports TextureView, but currently, you will need to modify the internal logic of the FPVWidget yourself. -
Set the output mode of VideoDecoder to YUV mode and enable YUV data monitoring. This way, you can retrieve YUV data through VideoDecoder. It is worth mentioning that you can create multiple videoDecoders. Chapter 5: Video decode(https://sdk-forum.dji.net/hc/en-us/articles/6663343101337-Chapter-5-Video-decode?source=search&auth_token=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhY2NvdW50X2lkIjo5Nzg4MTcsInVzZXJfaWQiOjI4MzA3Mjk0Nzg3LCJ0aWNrZXRfaWQiOjk0NzQ4LCJjaGFubmVsX2lkIjo2MywidHlwZSI6IlNFQVJDSCIsImV4cCI6MTcwMjUzODg5MH0.lsaSnCGeDIot34qv4zZvmitABwiqCXyGQsuhWZiq7DQ)
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