FlightRecordParsingLib issue with parsing




  • Could you please let me know the MSDK version and Pilot 2 version related to this issue?
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  • DroneControl

    Sure thing, we're using MSDK 5.4:

    implementation "com.dji:dji-sdk-v5-aircraft:5.4.0"
    compileOnly "com.dji:dji-sdk-v5-aircraft-provided:5.4.0"
    runtimeOnly "com.dji:dji-sdk-v5-networkImp:5.4.0"

    Also to clarify, the FlightRecordParsingLib does actually work on the *.txt files generated by the DJI Pilot 2, at least the last time we tried. Which is strange, because according to DJI spokesperson on the following issue, the *.txt files generated by the official app should be the same as the *.txt file generated by the MSDK. But clearly there is something different with the content of the file when these files are generated by the MSDK.

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  • I consulted with the engineer regarding this matter and found out that MSDK and Pilot 2 use the same code for generating flight records, so the results should be the same. Are you sure that every file in Pilot 2 is different from MSDK? Could you provide us with some files? link:https://pan-sec.djicorp.com/s/sT9wdRKs3oZDtX2
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  • DroneControl

    Ok just tried to run the parsing library on some of the *.txt flight logs generated by the latest Pilot 2 app and I'm now seeing the same issue. Also to clarify I tried running it both natively in Linux Ubuntu as well as from a Docker container. I've used your link and created the following directories and uploaded files:

    • DJI Pilot 2: Contains two folders, one that contains a txt file back from January that was parsed correctly (folder Parsed OK) using FlightRecordParsingLib. The second folder (Parsed Incorrect) contains a txt file from latest DJI Pilot 2 that is now having the same issues as mentioned in opening post when parsing using FlightRecordParsingLib
    • Custom App using MSDK: Contains the flight log that was generated in our app using the latest MSDK 5.4 version and when parsing using the FlightRecordParsingLib shows the above issue.

    Hope this information helps you solve it. My understanding is that you probably made some breaking changes when generating the flight logs (as first the MSDK generated logs stopped parsing correctly and then later when you upgraded the DJI Pilot 2 the same thing happened) and the FlightRecordParsingLib needs to be updated to accommodate these changes.

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  • I have received the file you uploaded, I will check it first, please wait for a while
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  • I have reproduced the issue using your file. I will communicate with the development team and will keep you updated as soon as I receive any results.
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  • DroneControl

    Great, looking forward to the resolution of this issue!

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  • I will keep following up on this issue and will let you know as soon as I have a solution or a fix date. Thank you for your feedback. Have a pleasant day!
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  • DroneControl

    Hello DJI Developer Support!

    Any news regarding the resolution of this issue? We've flight logs from one of our customers that had issues but are now unable to parse the logs until this is solved. And we can't pinpoint the issue without those logs.

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  • I'm sorry, there hasn't been any progress on this issue yet. The initial assessment suggests that the problem may be due to incorrect file storage information, which is causing the inability to resolve it. However, the specific reason will require further analysis by an engineer.
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  • Casey Gibson

    Is there an update on this issue? Was there a flight record format change that's now breaking newer logs?

    I'm seeing the same behaviour with MSDK 5.5 not parsing with FlightRecordParsingLib, however there are no issues with Pilot 2 generated records. We have a third party service that isn't able to parse flight records from MSDK so we're trying to track down the reason. Thanks.

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  • Sorry, there is no progress update on this issue at the moment. However, we are in communication with the development team to expedite the resolution of these issues on FlightRecordParsingLib.
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