Battery station (BS30) maintenance port interface




  • DJI Developer Support
    Currently we have not received plans to support reading battery station data. In what scenarios would you need this data?
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  • DroneControl

    We had a request from a customer who is currently designing emergency response vehicle. They are putting the battery station in the back of the car and would want to check the status of the batteries being charged from the driver area of the car. They would probably be satisfied just having an Android mobile phone connected to it and displaying the status of the batteries being charged.

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  • DJI Developer Support
    Thank you for your patient description. I will collect your requirements feedback to the team and they will make the next planning for the product based on this information. However, right now we don't have an SDK to read directly into the battery box, have you considered other ways to view into the battery station, such as using a camera.
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  • DroneControl

    Understood, thank you for reporting it to the team. Yes we discussed using a camera for now to monitor the state of the batteries charged.

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  • DJI Developer Support
    I'm glad to have helped you.
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