Schema for WPML
CompletedHave you or will you be publishing the formal schema for WPML? I would like to validate generated outputs, but yields a 404.
There seems to be some ambiguity in the spec as published ( ). In the documentation for the 'actionActuatorFuncParam' used with action 'takePhoto', "wpml::payloadLensIndex" and "wpml:useGlobalPayloadLensIndex" are both listed as "Required" - but neither is present in the sample wpml from the documentation (excerpt follows):
Am I misunderstanding the meaning of the "Required" field? Ideally a formal specification would clarify this while also allowing a formal validation of serialised outputs.
Please use this link: -
Yes, that is what I have been using (oh, in addition to the code on github). It is from the example WPML there that I posted this excerpt:
<wpml:actionId>1</wpml:actionId> <wpml:actionActuatorFunc>takePhoto</wpml:actionActuatorFunc> <wpml:actionActuatorFuncParam> <wpml:fileSuffix>point1</wpml:fileSuffix> <wpml:payloadPositionIndex>0</wpml:payloadPositionIndex> </wpml:actionActuatorFuncParam> </wpml:action>
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