- Since the M30 series has released to the public, the waypointMission 3.0 was also released. The developers do not need to write the very complex form of waypointMission program but write an easy to use and undetstandable KMZ file. For the introduction of an KMZ file, please read this article, "How to develop waypoint mission? What are the format standards for waypoint mission files?".
- MSDK V5 only supports the waypointMission 3.0. Thus, the interface of waypointMission is simple.
- pushKMZFileToAircraft, to upload the KMZ file to the flight controller.
- addWaypointMissionExecuteStateListenerm, to listen the state of the waypointMission.
- addWaylineExecutingInfoListener, to listen the executed information of the waypointMission.
- startMission, pauseMission, resumeMission, stopMission, to operate the waypointMission.
- The name of kmz compressed file can be customised. But its internal folder and files such as kml and wpml must match with the image upward.
- The res folder contains the resouces you need for the waypointMission such as target photos and terrain follow files.
- The same kmz file will behave in the same way by either MSDK app or DJI Pilot 2.
Q: May I use the old style kml file? (The old style kml has a tag <mis:xxx>, the new style kml has a tag <wpml:xxx>)
A: The old style kml file can be imported to DJI Pilot and export to a new style kml file.
Q: Where can I find the manual of old kml file?
A: The manual of old kml file is not open to the public.
Q: Wju the kmz file contains both kml and wpml files and their functionalities are similar?
A: If you are using DJI Pilot 2, your kmz must contain the template.kml file, you don't need the waylines.wpml file. The DJI Pilot 2 app will translate the template.kml file to the waylines.wpml file. The firmware will execute the waylines.wpml file only. If you are using MSDK V5, your kmz file must contain the waylines.wpml file. The firmware will execute the waylines.wpml file after the upload event. If you want to run your kmz file in both DJI Pilot 2 and MSDK V5 app, your kmz file must contain both template.kml and waylines.wpml files.
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