The MSDK is gradually prioritising to the enterprise level aircraft, the priority level of product from high to low is enterprise level aircraft > consumer level aircraft > hanheld product.
- There is no plan to support Mavic 3, Mavic 3 Cine and Mavic 3 Classic currently.
- There is no plan to support Mini 2 SE currently.
- There is no plan to support DJI Avata currently.
As frustrated as we all are, as am I, this ship has sailed. Sell your Mavic 3 while it still has value 🙏
Still really annoyed about this. I spent £2.5K on the fly more bundle when it came out and DJI were promising the SDK within a year. I cant believe how gullible I was to be tricked into flushing that money down the toilet only to be a beta tester so they could bring out the enterprise. I was tricked into buying a toy!
It also looks like they're about to do the same thing to the air 3S and mini 4 buyers. They haven't been mugged for quite the same amount of cash though or bought the 'flagship" mavic range.
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