Payload is the the matter that aircraft is carrying. A DJI camera is a payload. A third party payload which is developed by PSDK is a payload. Since DJI camera is encapsulated to Camera class, the Payload class introduction here is focusing on the third party payload, see details in Payload API and PSDK Demo.
Supported Model: M200V1/V2/RTK V1/RTK V2, M210V1/V2/RTK V1/RTK V2, M300.
Frequent used method:
- setMessageCallback, the message sent from firmware.
- setCommandDataCallback, UART/CAN data sent from payload, maximum bandwidth is 3KB/s in M200/M210 series. Although M300 supports this method, we recommand you to use M300's MOP feature.
- setVideoDataReceivedCallback, video data sent from payload, only support M300.
- setStreamDataCallback, UDP data sent from payload, maximum bandwidth is 8Mbps in M200 series, maximum bandwidth is 4Mbps in M210 series. Although M300 supports this method, we recommand you to use M300's MOP feature.
- PayloadWidget Class,this class represents the interaction feature between MSDK and payload, its type includes BUTTON, SWITCH, RANGE, LIST, INPUT.
- The live video data display for M200/M210 series is the same as DJI camera, you need to use VideoFeeder.
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