Network RTK:
- Make sure you have added com.dji:library-networkrtk-helper:2.0.2 in build.gradle file.
- Login DJI account.
- setReferenceStationSource, set source as NETWORK_RTK,CMCC RTK set source as NTRIP_NETWORK_SERVICE.
- setNetworkServiceCoordinateSystem, set navigation co-ordinate system,it is invaild for CMCC RTK.
- setRtkEnabled, enable RTK service.
- startNetworkService, start network RTK service,CMCC RTK should pass navigation co-ordinate system in the startNetworkService function.
- addNetworkServiceStateCallback, add a listener to listen the network RTK state.
- If NetworkServiceState.getChannelState is TRANSMITTING, it means the network RTK service has started.
Custom network RTK:
- Make sure you have added com.dji:library-networkrtk-helper:2.0.2 in build.gradle file.
- setReferenceStationSource, set source as CUSTOM_NETWORK_SERVICE.
- setCustomNetworkSettings, set the custom network user configuration.
- setRtkEnabled, enable RTK service.
- startNetworkService, start network RTK service.
- addNetworkServiceStateCallback, add a listener to listen the network RTK state.
- If NetworkServiceState.getChannelState is TRANSMITTING, it means the network RTK service has started.
- setReferenceStationSource, set source as BASE_STATION.
- If the aircraft is P4R, you need to call startMultiDevicePairing to pair up with the base station.
- If the aircraft is M300, you need to setRtkBaseStationListCallback to register a callback for base station list, then call startSearchBaseStation to start searching the base station. When there is a base station occur, the setRtkBaseStationListCallback will return a callback. You can get base station ID and call connectToBaseStation to connect with base station.
- setRtkEnabled, enable RTK service.
Tips:4.17-a1 version supports CMCC RTK.
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