The MSDK v5 only supports waypointMission 3.0 which uses an kmz file to update and execute a waypointMission. It supports M300RTK, M30 series and Mavic 3 Enterprise series.
- In fact, M300RTK only supports waypointMission 2.0. In order to be compatible in MSDK v5, MSDK v5 will analyze the kmz file and convert it into the waypointMission 2.0's code block and upload to the flightController. Therefore, the flightController can only store a single waypointMission. Each waypointMission upload will override the previous one.
- The M30 series and Mavic 3 Enterprise series support the waypointMission 3.0 so the kmz files will be uploaded and executed by the flightController. A flight Controller can store multiple kmz files, you can upload an a.kmz file and a b.kmz file separately. The will not override each other as long as their names are not identical to each other. The flightController will choose the correct kmz file to execute according to the name you are given to the flightController when you call startMission.
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