Mobile SDK V5 iOS


9 条评论

  • DJI Developer Support
    MSDK V5不会出iOS版本,4.16 iOS MSDK将会是iOS平台最后一个大版本,后续都是修bug,且后续机型都不再支持iOS平台。4.16 Android MSDK也是最后一个大版本,后续只会出小版本解决bug。MSDK V5将会作为MSDK未来的主力军去支持新的机型,MSDK V5可以认作一个新的MSDK,和MSDK 4.16.1没有关系,属于重构的MSDK。
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  • Per Gustås

    Does this mean that the Mavic 3 will not get SDK-support? 

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  • DJI Developer Support
    We will support Mavic 3 in the end, but since the enterprise level products have higher priority, our schedule only arrange for support them first in the first half of this year. We will support Mavic 3 later on but no estimated date yet.
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  • Per Gustås

    Thank you very much for the update. 

    - Will this SDK-update be available on iOS (and Android)?

    - Also, will it include support for waypoints with Mavic 3?

    This last information about support for waypoints is key since we have built software that uses the waypoint support for the different Phantom and Mavic models quite extensively. 

    Thanks in advance.

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  • DJI Developer Support
    MSDK V5 will only have Android version but no iOS version, the later feature and products will all be supported by Android MSDK V5. We don't received any feedback from Mavic 3 product team that they are going to support waypointMission, so the answer will be no for now.
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  • Per Gustås

    Thank you very much for the answer. To sum this up and several other questions that has been asked on this forum this week.

    - SDK 4.16 is the last major version of the current api. It will basically remain as it is, both for iOS and Android.

    - SDK 5.x is a newly developed SDK and will only be supported for Android. Priority is on Enterprise drones. Consumer drones will eventually be supported. For consumer drones support for waypoints is at best, uncertain.

    Did I get that right?

    This information would not feel out of place on the official SDK road map btw.


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  • DJI Developer Support
    The information is correct.
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  • Per Gustås

    Thank you very much. Much appreciated! :-) 

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  • Brien Crean

    Can I ask why will the new SDK not be available on iOS? Why only Android?

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