M300 + manifold2-g,启动osdk ros 4.1.0,roslaunch dji_osdk_ros...



7 条评论

  • DJI Developer Support
    failed to initialize linker channel报错显示串口通信异常。建议检查配置文件中的串口设备名,妙算2G使用UART1,设备名为:ttyTHS2。
    评论操作 固定链接
  • 召哥

    已经设置成了ttyTHS2,并用uart1连接的转接板的ttl口,仍然有问题:shake hand with drone fail! connot get drone version

    评论操作 固定链接
  • 召哥

    评论操作 固定链接
  • DJI Developer Support
    关于串口通信不正常,可以参考论坛相关帖提供的步骤进行排查: https://djisdksupport.zendesk.com/hc/zh-cn/articles/360062324793-OSDK%E4%B8%B2%E5%8F%A3%E9%80%9A%E4%BF%A1%E5%BC%82%E5%B8%B8%E6%8E%92%E6%9F%A5
    评论操作 固定链接
  • 召哥


    主要是是在启动roslaunch dji_osdk_ros dji_vehicle_node.launch

    EnableAd: 1
    [310176.981]STATUS/1 @ getDroneVersion, L1702: ret = 2
    [310176.981]ERRORLOG/1 @ getDroneVersion, L1707: Drone version not obtained! Please do not proceed.
    Possible reasons:
    Serial port connection:
    * SDK is not enabled, please check DJI Assistant2 -> SDK -> [v] Enable API Control.
    * Baudrate is not correct, please double-check from DJI Assistant2 -> SDK -> baudrate.
    * TX and RX pins are invert
    [310176.982]STATUS/1 @ functionalSetUp, L282: Shake hand with drone Fail ! Cannot get drone version. (1/20)
    [310176.982]STATUS/1 @ functionalSetUp, L284: Try again after 1 second ......
    [310179.331]STATUS/1 @ getDroneVersion, L1702: ret = 2
    [310179.332]ERRORLOG/1 @ getDroneVersion, L1707: Drone version not obtained! Please do not proceed.
    Possible reasons:
    Serial port connection:
    * SDK is not enabled, please check DJI Assistant2 -> SDK -> [v] Enable API Control.
    * Baudrate is not correct, please double-check from DJI Assistant2 -> SDK -> baudrate.
    * TX and RX pins are invert
    [310179.332]STATUS/1 @ functionalSetUp, L282: Shake hand with drone Fail ! Cannot get drone version. (2/20)
    [310179.332]STATUS/1 @ functionalSetUp, L284: Try again after 1 second ......
    [310181.672]STATUS/1 @ getDroneVersion, L1702: ret = 2
    [310181.672]ERRORLOG/1 @ getDroneVersion, L1707: Drone version not obtained! Please do not proceed.
    Possible reasons:
    Serial port connection:
    * SDK is not enabled, please check DJI Assistant2 -> SDK -> [v] Enable API Control.
    * Baudrate is not correct, please double-check from DJI Assistant2 -> SDK -> baudrate.
    * TX and RX pins are invert
    [310181.673]STATUS/1 @ functionalSetUp, L282: Shake hand with drone Fail ! Cannot get drone version. (3/20)
    [310181.673]STATUS/1 @ functionalSetUp, L284: Try again after 1 second ......
    [310184.027]STATUS/1 @ getDroneVersion, L1702: ret = 2
    [310184.028]ERRORLOG/1 @ getDroneVersion, L1707: Drone version not obtained! Please do not proceed.
    Possible reasons:
    Serial port connection:
    * SDK is not enabled, please check DJI Assistant2 -> SDK -> [v] Enable API Control.
    * Baudrate is not correct, please double-check from DJI Assistant2 -> SDK -> baudrate.
    * TX and RX pins are invert
    [310184.028]STATUS/1 @ functionalSetUp, L282: Shake hand with drone Fail ! Cannot get drone version. (4/20)
    [310184.028]STATUS/1 @ functionalSetUp, L284: Try again after 1 second ......
    [310186.369]STATUS/1 @ getDroneVersion, L1702: ret = 2
    [310186.369]ERRORLOG/1 @ getDroneVersion, L1707: Drone version not obtained! Please do not proceed.
    Possible reasons:
    Serial port connection:
    * SDK is not enabled, please check DJI Assistant2 -> SDK -> [v] Enable API Control.
    * Baudrate is not correct, please double-check from DJI Assistant2 -> SDK -> baudrate.
    * TX and RX pins are invert
    [310186.369]STATUS/1 @ functionalSetUp, L282: Shake hand with drone Fail ! Cannot get drone version. (5/20)
    [310186.369]STATUS/1 @ functionalSetUp, L284: Try again after 1 second ......
    [310188.714]STATUS/1 @ getDroneVersion, L1702: ret = 2
    [310188.714]ERRORLOG/1 @ getDroneVersion, L1707: Drone version not obtained! Please do not proceed.
    Possible reasons:
    Serial port connection:
    * SDK is not enabled, please check DJI Assistant2 -> SDK -> [v] Enable API Control.
    * Baudrate is not correct, please double-check from DJI Assistant2 -> SDK -> baudrate.
    * TX and RX pins are invert
    [310188.714]STATUS/1 @ functionalSetUp, L282: Shake hand with drone Fail ! Cannot get drone version. (6/20)
    [310188.714]STATUS/1 @ functionalSetUp, L284: Try again after 1 second ......
    [310191.080]STATUS/1 @ getDroneVersion, L1702: ret = 2
    [310191.080]ERRORLOG/1 @ getDroneVersion, L1707: Drone version not obtained! Please do not proceed.
    Possible reasons:
    Serial port connection:
    * SDK is not enabled, please check DJI Assistant2 -> SDK -> [v] Enable API Control.
    * Baudrate is not correct, please double-check from DJI Assistant2 -> SDK -> baudrate.
    * TX and RX pins are invert
    [310191.081]STATUS/1 @ functionalSetUp, L282: Shake hand with drone Fail ! Cannot get drone version. (7/20)
    [310191.081]STATUS/1 @ functionalSetUp, L284: Try again after 1 second ......
    [310193.432]STATUS/1 @ getDroneVersion, L1702: ret = 2
    [310193.433]ERRORLOG/1 @ getDroneVersion, L1707: Drone version not obtained! Please do not proceed.
    Possible reasons:
    Serial port connection:
    * SDK is not enabled, please check DJI Assistant2 -> SDK -> [v] Enable API Control.
    * Baudrate is not correct, please double-check from DJI Assistant2 -> SDK -> baudrate.
    * TX and RX pins are invert
    [310193.433]STATUS/1 @ functionalSetUp, L282: Shake hand with drone Fail ! Cannot get drone version. (8/20)
    [310193.433]STATUS/1 @ functionalSetUp, L284: Try again after 1 second ......
    [310195.769]STATUS/1 @ getDroneVersion, L1702: ret = 2
    [310195.769]ERRORLOG/1 @ getDroneVersion, L1707: Drone version not obtained! Please do not proceed.
    Possible reasons:
    Serial port connection:
    * SDK is not enabled, please check DJI Assistant2 -> SDK -> [v] Enable API Control.
    * Baudrate is not correct, please double-check from DJI Assistant2 -> SDK -> baudrate.
    * TX and RX pins are invert
    [310195.769]STATUS/1 @ functionalSetUp, L282: Shake hand with drone Fail ! Cannot get drone version. (9/20)
    [310195.770]STATUS/1 @ functionalSetUp, L284: Try again after 1 second ......
    [310198.116]STATUS/1 @ getDroneVersion, L1702: ret = 2
    [310198.116]ERRORLOG/1 @ getDroneVersion, L1707: Drone version not obtained! Please do not proceed.
    Possible reasons:
    Serial port connection:
    * SDK is not enabled, please check DJI Assistant2 -> SDK -> [v] Enable API Control.
    * Baudrate is not correct, please double-check from DJI Assistant2 -> SDK -> baudrate.
    * TX and RX pins are invert
    [310198.116]STATUS/1 @ functionalSetUp, L282: Shake hand with drone Fail ! Cannot get drone version. (10/20)
    [310198.116]STATUS/1 @ functionalSetUp, L284: Try again after 1 second ......
    [310200.463]STATUS/1 @ getDroneVersion, L1702: ret = 2
    [310200.464]ERRORLOG/1 @ getDroneVersion, L1707: Drone version not obtained! Please do not proceed.
    Possible reasons:
    Serial port connection:
    * SDK is not enabled, please check DJI Assistant2 -> SDK -> [v] Enable API Control.
    * Baudrate is not correct, please double-check from DJI Assistant2 -> SDK -> baudrate.
    * TX and RX pins are invert
    [310200.464]STATUS/1 @ functionalSetUp, L282: Shake hand with drone Fail ! Cannot get drone version. (11/20)
    [310200.464]STATUS/1 @ functionalSetUp, L284: Try again after 1 second ......
    [310202.804]STATUS/1 @ getDroneVersion, L1702: ret = 2
    [310202.804]ERRORLOG/1 @ getDroneVersion, L1707: Drone version not obtained! Please do not proceed.
    Possible reasons:
    Serial port connection:
    * SDK is not enabled, please check DJI Assistant2 -> SDK -> [v] Enable API Control.
    * Baudrate is not correct, please double-check from DJI Assistant2 -> SDK -> baudrate.
    * TX and RX pins are invert
    [310202.804]STATUS/1 @ functionalSetUp, L282: Shake hand with drone Fail ! Cannot get drone version. (12/20)
    [310202.804]STATUS/1 @ functionalSetUp, L284: Try again after 1 second ......
    [310205.148]STATUS/1 @ getDroneVersion, L1702: ret = 2
    [310205.148]ERRORLOG/1 @ getDroneVersion, L1707: Drone version not obtained! Please do not proceed.
    Possible reasons:
    Serial port connection:
    * SDK is not enabled, please check DJI Assistant2 -> SDK -> [v] Enable API Control.
    * Baudrate is not correct, please double-check from DJI Assistant2 -> SDK -> baudrate.
    * TX and RX pins are invert
    [310205.148]STATUS/1 @ functionalSetUp, L282: Shake hand with drone Fail ! Cannot get drone version. (13/20)
    [310205.148]STATUS/1 @ functionalSetUp, L284: Try again after 1 second ......
    [310207.501]STATUS/1 @ getDroneVersion, L1702: ret = 2
    [310207.501]ERRORLOG/1 @ getDroneVersion, L1707: Drone version not obtained! Please do not proceed.
    Possible reasons:
    Serial port connection:
    * SDK is not enabled, please check DJI Assistant2 -> SDK -> [v] Enable API Control.
    * Baudrate is not correct, please double-check from DJI Assistant2 -> SDK -> baudrate.
    * TX and RX pins are invert
    [310207.501]STATUS/1 @ functionalSetUp, L282: Shake hand with drone Fail ! Cannot get drone version. (14/20)
    [310207.501]STATUS/1 @ functionalSetUp, L284: Try again after 1 second ......
    [310209.850]STATUS/1 @ getDroneVersion, L1702: ret = 2
    [310209.850]ERRORLOG/1 @ getDroneVersion, L1707: Drone version not obtained! Please do not proceed.
    Possible reasons:
    Serial port connection:
    * SDK is not enabled, please check DJI Assistant2 -> SDK -> [v] Enable API Control.
    * Baudrate is not correct, please double-check from DJI Assistant2 -> SDK -> baudrate.
    * TX and RX pins are invert
    [310209.850]STATUS/1 @ functionalSetUp, L282: Shake hand with drone Fail ! Cannot get drone version. (15/20)
    [310209.850]STATUS/1 @ functionalSetUp, L284: Try again after 1 second ......
    [310212.189]STATUS/1 @ getDroneVersion, L1702: ret = 2
    [310212.189]ERRORLOG/1 @ getDroneVersion, L1707: Drone version not obtained! Please do not proceed.
    Possible reasons:
    Serial port connection:
    * SDK is not enabled, please check DJI Assistant2 -> SDK -> [v] Enable API Control.
    * Baudrate is not correct, please double-check from DJI Assistant2 -> SDK -> baudrate.
    * TX and RX pins are invert
    [310212.189]STATUS/1 @ functionalSetUp, L282: Shake hand with drone Fail ! Cannot get drone version. (16/20)
    [310212.189]STATUS/1 @ functionalSetUp, L284: Try again after 1 second ......
    ... logging to /home/dji/.ros/log/413287fa-1c64-11ec-99c7-a25426ec19b9/roslaunch-manifold2-4830.log
    Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
    Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
    Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.
    [1mstarted roslaunch server http://manifold2:32911/[0m


    * /rosdistro: kinetic
    * /rosversion: 1.12.17
    * /vehicle_node/acm_name: /dev/ttyACM0
    * /vehicle_node/align_time: False
    * /vehicle_node/app_id: 1108996
    * /vehicle_node/app_version: 1
    * /vehicle_node/baud_rate: 1000000
    * /vehicle_node/enc_key: 9bcb287738a941039...
    * /vehicle_node/serial_name: /dev/ttyTHS2
    * /vehicle_node/use_broadcast: False

    vehicle_node (dji_osdk_ros/dji_vehicle_node)

    auto-starting new master
    [1mprocess[master]: started with pid [4840][0m
    ]2;/home/dji/catkin_ws/src/Onboard-SDK-ROS-master/launch/dji_vehicle_node.launch http://localhost:11311
    [1msetting /run_id to 413287fa-1c64-11ec-99c7-a25426ec19b9[0m
    [1mprocess[rosout-1]: started with pid [4853][0m
    started core service [/rosout]
    [1mprocess[vehicle_node-2]: started with pid [4861][0m
    [vehicle_node-2] killing on exit
    [rosout-1] killing on exit
    [master] killing on exit
    shutting down processing monitor...
    ... shutting down processing monitor complete

    评论操作 固定链接
  • 召哥

    评论操作 固定链接
  • DJI Developer Support
    ![](https://djisdksupport.zendesk.com/attachments/token/EjoWkHbB24x3HdiiQkLSMFf45/?name=inline886231000.png)​ 报错显示串口通信异常,串口通信异常通常与串口硬件与串口设置有关系,可以参考论坛上提供的排查步骤逐一排查设置以及硬件通信部分,可以更换硬件连接模块交叉测试,也可以参考第8点直接使用将飞机(转接板TTL)的引脚连接至PC的串口调试助手上检查飞机(和官方OSDK转接板)的串口输出是否正常。若飞机和OSDK官方转接板串口输出异常,可以申请售后检修硬件。
    评论操作 固定链接
