M210 V2 - OSDK Connectivity Issue



3 条评论

  • Syed Ahmed

    Ok - I have partial success. I needed to do

    sudo chmod 666 /dev/ttyUSB0

    after the dialout command - sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER

    But now I have device activation error - even though the drone has already been activated.

    [387858.720]ERRORLOG/1 @ activate, L1387: Solutions for NEW_DEVICE_ERROR:
    * Double-check your app_id and app_key in UserConfig.txt. Does it match with your DJI developer account?
    * If this is a new device, you need to activate it through the App or DJI Assistant 2 with Internet
    For different aircraft, the App and the version of DJI Ass
    [387858.720]STATUS/1 @ getErrorCodeMessage, L744: initVehicle
    [387858.720]STATUS/1 @ getCMDSetActivationMSG, L794: NEW_DEVICE_ERROR

    Init Vehicle Failed, TERMINATE!
    [vehicle_node-2] process has died [pid 5700, exit code 1, cmd /home/dji/catkin_ws/devel/lib/dji_osdk_ros/dji_vehicle_node __name:=vehicle_node __log:=/home/dji/.ros/log/1e608c80-f609-11eb-97c5-60601ffb4d58/vehicle_node-2.log].
    log file: /home/dji/.ros/log/1e608c80-f609-11eb-97c5-60601ffb4d58/vehicle_node-2*.log

    Any help will be appreciated.

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  • DJI Developer Support
    For the error : NEW_DEVICE_ERROR, you should activate the drone as follows: 1, Connects the drone and DJI Assistant2 (logon with your account/password) 2, run the sample twice with correct AAPID/APPKEY in UserConfig.txt M210 V2 drones,please connects the dual A USB to the DJI Assistant2 first and activated the APP ID and then connects to the onboard computer for OSDK application.
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  • Syed Ahmed

    It worked. Thanks for your help. 

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