drone_control with multiple keys at the same time.
I wonder can we hold more than 1 key at a time when using drone_control. For example we want to send both x and y to make the drone moving forward and left at the same time?
I know that it's doable with android SDK but not sure how about the Dock?
Dear developers, Hello, thank you for contacting DJI Innovation. Dock can use DRC-Flight Control in the cloud API to control the aircraft to move forward, backward, left and right: https://developer.dji.com/doc/cloud-api-tutorial/cn/api-reference/dock-to-cloud/mqtt/dock/dock2/drc.html#drc-%E9%A3%9E%E8%A1%8C%E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6 I hope our solution can help you, thank you for your email, wish you a happy life! Best Regards, Dji innovation SDK technical support
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