M300 PSDK UART Connect and Camera Payload Error


2 条评论

  • DJI Developer Support
    Hello, thank you for your patience. First of all, the baud rate set for the Payload port or the E-Port will not affect the initialization of the DJI official payload. From your description, the hardware connection is correct and the voltage is normal. In your case, you can try to solve it by downgrading or upgrading the firmware. If it is convenient, please provide a physical picture of the hardware connection so that we can better confirm it for you.
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  • int_j

    Thank you for responding.

    "First of all, the baud rate set for the Payload port or the E-Port will not affect the initialization of the DJI official payload." So, is the UART initialization error mutually exclusive from the Zenmuse error?

    "From your description, the hardware connection is correct and the voltage is normal." Is it normal if Tx is at 0v even if the drone is on and connected to Jetson?

    "In your case, you can try to solve it by downgrading or upgrading the firmware." I haven't mentioned earlier but I just uploaded the M300 firmware to the latest version and before, I used PSDK 3.9.1 (when it worked) but now I am using PSDK 3.9.2. 

    Here are the images of my connection to the drone. I don't know if it matters but I am not using the voltage outputs from the dev kit as supply for Jetson.

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