Mavic 2 - 如何獲取避障鏡頭的原生畫面? How to retrieve the video stream for Mavic 2 Obstacle Avoidance Cameras
我擁有Mavic 2快一年了,而我最近有一個想法,希望能夠獲取那十餘個避障鏡頭的畫面,從而用OpenCv 或什麼的編成自己的避障程式,或用那些鏡頭來捕獲另一個鏡頭角度,甚至拼成360照片。請問有什麼辦法可以獲取這些避障鏡頭的畫面呢?這是我第一次接觸DJI SDK,而我沒有在網上找到有關避障鏡頭的資訊,所以我才冒昧地在這裡發文,希望大家能夠理解。謝謝。
Skydio 可以成功拼成的3D 環境圖。 Mavic 2有可能做到嗎?謝謝。
Dear all,
I am interested in utilising the video feed from the 12 obstacle avoidance cameras. I know that they are not as high quality as the Skydios but I am interested in trying to utilise those cameras for creating a 3D panorama of the environment or using it as another lower quality second camera angle. However, I haven't been able to find any information about the OA cameras online. Is it possible to access the image of the OA cameras and use openCV onboard the Mavic 2? There must be a way to access these cameras, even if the way is not externally supported since the developers will need it internally? Many thanks for your help in advance:)
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